what morphs?


Radiant Reptiles

Can any one explain, het and other morph terms and what their outcomes are? Thank you.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I don't mean to be a jerk, but if you don't understand basic genetics you really shouldn't be breeding. Unless you understand what you are doing you are likely to end up flooding the market with mutts.

Radiant Reptiles

I still have not found what "het" means, i just wanted basic definitions of the terminology, and then i would get into what effects there is. I understand the breeding proces but the terminology is different to what i know about different herps.


what's one more....
Het (Heterozygous) is defined in post #1 of the Morphs & Genetics 101 link that was posted here. :)

Wandering Paddle

New Member
South western virginia
I still have not found what "het" means, i just wanted basic definitions of the terminology, and then i would get into what effects there is. I understand the breeding proces but the terminology is different to what i know about different herps.

The breeding process is easy. You put a healthy male with a healthy ovulating female and wait, sometimes for no more than 30 seconds.
However, leopard geckos have way more inheritable mutations than most captive bred herps. So if you want to start breeding these guys you should go do your homework, come here for us to check it as a community, and then go do some extra credit assignments.


Oregon Rainwater
Portland, OR
I still have not found what "het" means, i just wanted basic definitions of the terminology, and then i would get into what effects there is. I understand the breeding proces but the terminology is different to what i know about different herps.

Het is actually a universal term for all types of animals.


New Member
Miami, FL
The breeding process is easy. You put a healthy male with a healthy ovulating female and wait, sometimes for no more than 30 seconds.
However, leopard geckos have way more inheritable mutations than most captive bred herps. So if you want to start breeding these guys you should go do your homework, come here for us to check it as a community, and then go do some extra credit assignments.

Bravo! Well put!

Radiant Reptiles

The thing is i never said i want to become a full scale breeders of leo's, i havent even said i want to breed them at all. I am trying to learn, usually new people that ask for help in trying to learn information should not be given crap and belittled...... I mean doesnt it stand for anything that i dont have a leo's yet and i am researching on how to care for them and the terminology this community uses so i know how to communicate. I thought it would help me to understand what people type so its easier to communicate and all i am getting is, "wow you dont know what this means" doesnt help are draw people to the community.

Abbreviation for Heterozygous. Carrier of a gene, but doesn't show it in itself.
Thank you, this is all i asked for :)

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