what should my next gecko be?


New Member
ok so i have this tank that's empty its a 22''W x 23''T (its a weird hexagon shape tank) and i want to kinda have a little gecko colony (2-5) and i was wondering what i should get i kinda want a desert species but it is a tall cage and they don't need that kinda space but it is fairly wide so it would work for a some what small gecko species. but i also really like the leaf-tail geckos and would love to work with those. heres a list of the species i'm looking at.
spider geckos- Agamura Persica
any knob-tail species- Nephrurus
any leaf-tail species- Uroplstus
cave geckos- Goniurosaurus
helmeted geckos- Geckonia Chazalaie
day geckos-
turners geckos- Pachydactylus Turneri
leachis- Rhacodactylus leachianus
flying gecko- Ptychozoon kuhli

suggestions are welcome but i dont what a leo or a crestie not that i dont love both those species i just want something a little different

sorry i cant add a pic of the tank


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands

i don't know what your experience is with reptiles/geckos. I guess that plays a role as well in choosing a new species. What also might be convenient is to check dietary needs of the new species to see if it matches with other reptiles you have, it would save you expanding on more boxes of feeders (imho)

I have four stenodactylus petrii which are amazing. They are small, can live in groups and are very hardy when taken care of properly. They are desert species and require a good layer of sand to dig in. You could check the stenodactylus care thread in this sub forum. They aren't easily acquired everywhere in the world, so it might be hard to get some.

hope this helps, i don't have any experience or wisdom concerning the species you mentioned. :)


New Member
thanks and i have alot experience with reptiles and i am always willing to learn more right now i have a snapping turtle a tortoise a gargoyle gecko and a garter snake but i have room for crickets and i can meet almost any dietary need for any animal i get thanks


New Member
Stenodactylus are pretty cool as mentioned above. I just got my first one a few weeks ago and will hopefully get a few more.
How about some Phelsuma (Day Geckos)?
A trio of Gold Dusts, Peacock, or Neon Day geckos would be good, but they are a tropical species.
Or some Anolis, there are a few nice species out there but they may be out of your budget.


New Member
ya i was thinking day geckos two and im fine with tropical species and my budget is around $250.00 ill be getting them at the whit planes reptile expo on September 11 still taking suggestions and i want something with some size and it doesn't have to live together like i was looking at giant leaf tail geckos leachies and giant day geckos any thoughts?


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
That size tank is nowhere near large enough for u fimbriatus. Minimum cage size is 18x18x36 for a single animal. And anyone keeping uroplatus should have several years.experience with similar less delicate species. You arent going to find a quality leachie for less than 300. So that leaves phelsuma. That size would house one adult m. Grandis or standingii. I would seriously consider doing more research. Choosing a species should be based on what appeals to you and what you can house and care for appropriately, not just what happens to fit in an emptu tank.


New Member
well I did alot of research and I ment somthething like a giant leaf tail I always do my reasearch and I was just looking at leaches I was not accutaluly going to get one so I am probably going to get a giant day gecko or something maby a knob tail and the cage is 35x24 I measured wrong I'll see what's at the white plans expo but I'm still taking suggestions

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