what to expect


New Member
joplin, mo
hey guys, i just got my first leo today at the local pet store, he looks really healthy and hes got a nice tail and has already ate 3 mealworms. This is my question for you guys: i dont know what to expect but is it normal when they just lay in their hide and sleep or just sit in there, when he came out he looked happy and healthy i just didnt know if its normal for them to hide all day. Is it?


New Member
Between two terrariums
Congrats on the new addition!
They're nocturnal, so yes, it's as normal for them to lie around during the day as it is for us to stay indoors after dark and sleep through the night. :) That's why we make sure they have plenty of hiding places to help them feel safe.
He'll probably venture out a little earlier and more often as he gets used to you and his surroundings - right now he's just moved to a new city and he's probably a bit nervous to go out on the streets when it's "late" out. :laugh:

If he seems very lethargic or stops eating, you may want to have a look at the temperatures - cooler or extremely high temps make them sluggish.


New Member
joplin, mo
thanks a ton for the reply, and no he hasnt seemed lethargic, when he sleeps he looks happy if you kinda know what i mean by that like he doesnt look sickly or anything, i turned the lights out because its dark outside now and walked in and he had woken up and kinda taken a step out of his house


Congrats Brian!

Congrats on the new pet!!
They are nocturnal as the other poster said so don't expect a lot of movement during the day. It sounds like you have the right set up just make sure the temps are correct and please remember that:
When handling any animal, you're going to want to take things slow, and that applies as much to geckos as to any other. When you first get the gecko, hold it only for short periods of time, or not at all, depending on how calm or nervous it is. An animal that's extremely nervous should probably be left alone for the first little while in order to let it get used to things.
Your lizard should be able to adjust to its new environment before it has to deal with additional stress. Remember, it's hard for such a small animal to realize that you're not a predator, given the size difference between you. Take things slow to help yourself gain your gecko's trust.
We are Leopard Gecko enthusiasts who were tired of finding incomplete information about our pet Geckos. We enlisted the help of some serious gecko enthusiasts,breeders,owners, and veterinarians who helped us compile information.


New Member
Fort Collins, CO
also a new leo owner...

I've had my leopard gecko for almost 2 weeks now and I never see him out of his hides unless I take it away or if he pops out for a quick bite, then right back in again. Daytime, night time, doesn't matter. Hot side or cool side, he doesn't seem to favor either one. The temps in there are good, the humidity is fine. He looks perfectly healthy and he's not lethargic when he finally does come out. How long does it really take for them to get used to things?


New Member
Austin, Texas
It all depends on the leo. I wouldn't pick on him though, as in taking the hide away from him. That will stress him out and make him afraid of you.

He's probably coming out when you're sleeping ;) I know my beau when I first got him I could never see him when he was out. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw him out. Now he comes out when his timer goes off. Just give him time :)


New Member
Fort Collins, CO
well I only remove the hide to spray the moss to keep it humid for him, but he does tend to freak out a little bit when I do. If I waited for him to not be in there when I remove it to spray, I would never get a chance to do it. haha


New Member
Fort Collins, CO
BUT... seems like you were right! I left his hide alone for a couple days, switched from a blue light to a red light at night... now he's out and cruising around! thanks! =)

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