
New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
It would of been a good idea to have your geckos ID'd before you bred them. Since you did state you have eggs incubating. Probably should've researched a good understanding on genetics before doing so as well.


Hats Off Exotics
Well for one, the worst possible thing is that you could have done is mixed albino strains which is considered muddying the waters so to speak since you did not know what you are putting together.
http://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=49197 <-That thread talks about it.

Are you prepared to house, feed, and clean up after possibly 16+ little lives?
I know you will be told this quite a bit but its really important that you plan and research first.

Hatchlings require lots of care and the cost racks up from food, housing, and all other care. Say one of these babies were sick. Are you prepared to take them to the vet and pay hundreds of dollars to save this animal? Do you have the time to take care of them all? Do you plan on selling them all at a local pet store, giving them to friends, etc?

I know I may sound harsh but these are little lives and you are playing God. A lot of people cannot handle that or the responsibility.

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
Agreed, is it a bad thing that i did not? what will happen?

Yeah, it's a bad thing. You have no idea what you even have and you could be crossing albino strains, like previously stated. I really don't understand why people breed any animal when they don't even have a clue as to what they even own. If you want to breed, that's fine, but please do more research and make sure that you are creating quality, know genetic geckos in the future. Nobody wants to buy random geckos that came from pet store geckos. If your going to breed, buy high quality geckos from one of the breeders that advertise up top there.

In saying all that, you may only get a couple of good eggs and as long as your willing to keep them as pets, then there's no problem with that. Just don't give them to someone else who has any plans of breeding them. Good luck and research, research, research!


New Member
Well on the good side, they are both from breeders, and not a pet store. My aunt owns a pet store, and when purchasing some snakes a while back i bought these from a breeder who was selling us the snakes. I was told they are not "normal" pet store geckos.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I have been doing quite a bit of research but still can not find out if there is a way to find out exactly what type of ge ckos i still have.

Well, unless the alleged breeder you got these geckos from told you the exact (including hets) genetics of both (which I'm assuming he/she didn't due to your confusion) there is no way to absolutely, unequivocally know for sure the complete genetic profile of your geckos. Do you know what morphs their parents are? What they are heterozygous for? If a gecko's heterozygous for a certain mutation, they harbor a recessive gene in their genotype, which cannot ever be detected by simply visually inspecting the gecko. It's not absolute, and may even seem improbable at times, but you never know... Surprises in the offspring could ensue! Hopefully if you ever decide on breeding again, you will do a bit more research and purchase geckos whose genetics you are certain on.
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