

New Member
Here is the sister of the normal double het RW and murphy's patternless
she has pure red eyes in each eye it is just hard to see


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Either you mixed eggs on accident or the breeders you have are not even close to being what you think they are. Who did you get the parents from?


New Member
ok thanks but i thought RW had light brown eyes with black pupils. it has red eyes with a deeper red in the pupils. i though that is what bell babies have.


New Member
sorry i don't have a eye pic of the new born, but i will get some soon
if you look in the first, the mom has a funky eye.


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
I still think your rainwater Mom night be a tremper, but it's hard to tell in this pic.
Good eyeshots are hard to get, if I get one it's just luck.

If your baby's eyes are really all red, I would venture a guess that both parents are maybe het RAPTOR.


New Member
finally got to get a real look at the eyes (she likes to keep them closed) and they are pink with red pupils. mom's sister has gave birth to 7 typhoons this year. i think that she is a RW. so here they are. hard to see in the 2nd one

P.s. definite holdback
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New Member
thanks. could you remind me what raptor stands for

Edit: isn't a typhoon a RW patty eclipse? i don't think i have any eclipse in there.


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
Raptor is the tremper version, Typhoon is the rainwater version of a patternless-stripe eclipse albino. A patternless-stripe results from the combination of stripe and reverse stripe genes, they appear to cancel each other out, but leave spotted lines in their wake (classic raptor body pattern).
Not all typhoons are patternless-stripe.
I'm just still unsure about which albino strain you really have from your photos. Tremper and rainwater are sometimes tricky to tell apart.

There's no murphy's patternless unless it's been intentionally added.
Your albino baby is not a murphy's patternless albino since banding is present, but is het patternless since that's what the Dad is. Dad has unstated unknown hets, one of them for albino. Are there others? We don't know.

If it has full red eyes, that indicates the eclipse gene is present. If it's more that there is a separate pupil in a sea of paler background color, there's is no eclipse, just albino eyes. Looking at what you just posted, those aren't eclipse eyes.
If you state that the mother's sister produced Typhoons, that would indicate that eclipse is in the bloodline somewhere along the way.

I looked at the website you got mama-gecko from, and I'm still not sure they didn't mislabel her. It's also possible that you may have double albino het geckos, it has been known to happen by honest novice mistake as well as misguided intent in the past. If your holdback turns out to be a male, you can answer tremper vs. rainwater by breeding him to two known-without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt albinos, one of each strain. If it's a female, you would need to test breed for two years, and only one sire of a known strain per year. If you get normals, it's not the right strain, and you can't sell those babies.

Sorry for the super-long post.
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Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
question: is it ok if see is housed with her sister

You risk them losing a tail by housing them together. They can get nippy and drop their tails easy when they are young. I would recommend housing them separately, although some do house together, but remember the risk.

On a side note.... "phatassgeckos.com".......OMG!! I really don't know what to say. I did a triple take when I saw his picture. Is that really a legit gecko site??!! *shakes head*
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New Member
his site is never updated you just have to e-mail or call him. i got them at a show he went to.
o thanks for the advice they will not be housed together
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Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I think you may be confused on genetics. Are your only breeders the ones that are listed on your site? I know that some Pattys will be het for RW which could explain the RW baby. However, I dont see anything with or het Eclipse in your collection nor any Typhoon work on the breeder who they were purchased from website. You produced some nice babies and have nice breeders but I dont think you are producing Raptors or Typhoons. Are you breeding the moms sister or is someone else producing the Typhoons? If you are producing Typhoons then your female is het eclipse and the male is het RW and Eclipse (which would be a good score and amazing odds if your producing them). I hope for you they are indeed het all that and you are catching the odds.

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