What's Next For Leos?



I agree with the orange blizz but in my mind I just picture it looking diffrent than SHTCTB


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Like I said it may be a really cool morph but I'd have to see one first. As for the diablo blanco that was cool cause it has red eyes. And orange blizz may be cool too, just need to see one thats all. I'm sure many of you agree.


GeckoStud said:
Thats my point... why pay loads of money for an orange blizzard when you can get a sht that looks the same for much less... The only difference would be genetically. IMHO I think its just not that big of a deal to me, granted I'd need to see one to build an opinion. It may be more of a pastel orange, and if they could work an eclipse gene into them I would say thats cool. But the way I picture it now is just a recreation of a sht through a blizzard. Again though, I'd have to see one.

The tail wouldnt have a pattern of spots and rings like a SHTCTB

Double LY

Scott&Nikki said:
So Tremper has an Emerald morph coming? How far along is that??

I don't know when it's supposed to be released, but there is a "sneak peek" in his book. That pic doesn't look too impressive to me. Michael (420 Geckos) has posted a green leo on here that is WAAAAAAAAAY prettier than anything the leo in Tremper's book could have produced IMO.


Bells Rule!
Stitch said:
I would expect the orange blizzard to look similar to the sunglows from TUG:

Obviously all orange without the CT. You would still get the white under belly.

Can any one describe what Trempers Emerald will look like.

That would be sweet if they looked anywhere close to that!

The Emerald morph isn't really a green gecko. They're out of the Rainbow line I think...


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
420Geckos said:
The Emerald morph isn't really a green gecko. They're out of the Rainbow line I think...

Do you still have pics of your leo that Double LY was talking about? Can you post it or give us a link to the thread?


The "emerald" morph is something RT is working on, the green is more of a blueish yellow (if that makes any sense) and isnt really green like this. Im going to take a wild guess that he "discovered" it when he bred his "super tangerines" to high yellow lavenders and incubated them at 86-87*F. The high yellow lavenders have lavender bands with fewer black spots and the super tangerines hatch out banded, but the orange/yellows migrate accross the bands as the gecko grows. The yellow over the lavender looks a little greenish. But the pictures arnt that great, and the morph appears to be very early on in development in the book (which is from 2004 ? or maybe 2005). I think the key to most of RTs new morphs is he inbred for so long then started outcrossing all his different designer lines with eachother and incubated a few hundred eggs at each temperature to see if anything intresting popped out. The leo in that thread mentioned above looks alot like RTs emerald pictures, only it is a better picture.


Active Member
Lake Worth, FL
I wouldn't get too excited about the greens. Everyone that hatches out a large number of tang, Redstripe, high yellow etc. geckos has some that go thru that greenish phase while coloring up.

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