I agree with the orange blizz but in my mind I just picture it looking diffrent than SHTCTB
GeckoStud said:Thats my point... why pay loads of money for an orange blizzard when you can get a sht that looks the same for much less... The only difference would be genetically. IMHO I think its just not that big of a deal to me, granted I'd need to see one to build an opinion. It may be more of a pastel orange, and if they could work an eclipse gene into them I would say thats cool. But the way I picture it now is just a recreation of a sht through a blizzard. Again though, I'd have to see one.
Scott&Nikki said:So Tremper has an Emerald morph coming? How far along is that??
Stitch said:I would expect the orange blizzard to look similar to the sunglows from TUG:
Obviously all orange without the CT. You would still get the white under belly.
Can any one describe what Trempers Emerald will look like.
420Geckos said:The Emerald morph isn't really a green gecko. They're out of the Rainbow line I think...
Stitch said:Do you still have pics of your leo that Double LY was talking about? Can you post it or give us a link to the thread?
GroovyGeckos.com said:Just a few...
Red Stripe Eclipse
Ruby Eye Red Stripe Albinos