when do you give up


New Member
Indiahoma, Oklahoma
sry to hear, i dont bowl feed right off the bat they dont get it, my trick is i have no substrate other than a moist PT under the warm side until they're eating and shed, and first normal poo, usually i just put 4-5 mealies in the tank and let them run around and dont bother them for a day or two usually mealies are gone i put in a few more, if they're gone too the next day i start bowl feeding and put in full PT substrate. i've been lucky so far with no problems on eatings yet, however if it's during shedding time or anythign most of them wotn eat afterwards cause theyr'e full from the shed.


Ghoulish Geckos
sry to hear, i dont bowl feed right off the bat they dont get it, my trick is i have no substrate other than a moist PT under the warm side until they're eating and shed, and first normal poo, usually i just put 4-5 mealies in the tank and let them run around and dont bother them for a day or two usually mealies are gone i put in a few more, if they're gone too the next day i start bowl feeding and put in full PT substrate. i've been lucky so far with no problems on eatings yet, however if it's during shedding time or anythign most of them wotn eat afterwards cause theyr'e full from the shed.

Thank you! I don't feed out of a bowl right away either. I do keep some in the bowl so they can see where they are, but I always throw some down the first couple weeks.

This baby actually ate one worm right after it's first shed and then never ate again. There must have been something wrong with it.:(


New Member
we as the caretakers have to make hard calls and know when enought is enought if she starts to seem if she is suffering then u have to make the hard call for her because she cant thats how it goes with animals...sadly

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