Where are your leos in your house?



My Leos, Fatties, Beardies, tortoises and the spiny mice are in the Master Bed room which is what we call the Gecko room( we do not sleep there) The leos and fatties are in racks, the dragons and the baby Leo tortoises , are in big aquariums then the snakes, Cresteds, rats, mice, hamsters are in the smallest room in the house which is my daughters bed room( she sleeps in my room on her own bed since my husband is a long haul trucker. Or in the living room on a pull out couch bed(when she has friends over). The snakes are in a rack system and the others are in aquariums. My squirrel and chinchillas are in the kitchen.( when have a big kitchen) and we do have a building outside thats the cattery, fully insulated, air conditioned and heated, BUT we are building our place in New Mexico and we will have a Reptile building, a cattery and other outside building devoted to the special reptiles or animals we have. So in this house things are crowded but soon it will be different!!! I can't wait. Deb
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Bells Rule!
I live in a two bedroom apartment so they're in my bedroom. We'll be moving sometime this year to a bigger house and I'll definitely get a herp room then...


We got a herp room, too, but there are also tanks in the living room, in the corridor . . . Anywhere but in the kitchen and the bathroom . . . LOL But we want to move soon, and then a bigger herp room is comming . . .


Seminole, FL
We just bought a new house with four bedrooms so we'll have a herp room; if not two;depending on what my wife will let me do. Were moving in this summer so right now they are in two places in our current house.Breeders,babies;and juves are on a rack in the living room. Quarantine animals are in the denn on a smaller rack, and our gargoyles and goldens are in aquariums throughout the living room also.


sacredcreatures said:
My Leos, Fatties, Beardies, tortoises and the spiny mice are in the Master Bed room which is what we call the Gecko room( we do not sleep there) The leos and fatties are in racks, the dragons and the baby Leo tortoises , are in big aquariums then the snakes, Cresteds, rats, mice, hamsters are in the smallest room in the house which is my daughters bed room( she sleeps in my room on her own bed since my husband is a long haul trucker. Or in the living room on a pull out couch bed(when she has friends over). The snakes are in a rack system and the others are in aquariums. My squirrel and chinchillas are in the kitchen.( when have a big kitchen) and we do have a building outside thats the cattery, fully insulated, air conditioned and heated, BUT we are building our place in New Mexico and we will have a Reptile building, a cattery and other outside building devoted to the special reptiles or animals we have. So in this house things are crowded but soon it will be different!!! I can't wait. Deb

Wow! You have lots of animals!

What are spiny mice? I've never heard of them before


New Member
Beale AFB, CA
Lets see all my leos are in my spare room with two of my male beardies both parrots then my crested gecko, both female beardies, mice, levis levis, fish tank and pacman frog are in the living room then my last male beardie is in the laundry room. When we get the redtail boa he'll end up in my bedroom away from everything else. If I end up getting anything else it'll end up in my kitchen because I'm out of space for anything else lol.

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