where to get live silk worms?

J&K's Lemy

South east MO
I've read that silk worms are very good for geckos
none of the local pet shops have them (and local is a 45 min drive)
so where is a good place to get them to come to me?

and is there a insect nutrition chart posted here somewhere?
I currently feed mealies and crickets but I want to add some variety to my Lemy's diet after all I can get bored eating the same things all the time she might to

Small Pet Feeders

New Member
Insect type: Fat %kcal Calcium mg/kcal Phosphorous mg/kcal Protein %kcal
Silkworm 43 0.5 0.6 54

We have Zebra Silkworm eggs on sale right now. We don't have any live silkworms though unfortunately, but use voucher code "freegift" for a free similar sized insect with your order.

Silkworms are great for geckos, and easy to raise to a suitable small size from eggs. Just keep them warm, fed, and clean, and you should be all good.

If you need more help...


New Member
Tampa Bay, FL
Allot of the online bug guys carry them. Mulberry farms as mentioned before is a good source, I like coastal better. They seem to run out less often, are normally better priced, and the seem to ship faster, but they are also much closer to me. There is one in Florida, I think the other is in California. Depnding on how many worms you want, i would recomend the pods. Otherwise feeding them is a pain, and they'll normally only last a couple days at most without food.


As for a nutrition chart, the best one Ive seen is for bearded dragons. The dietary requirements are obviously quite different, and there is allot of nutritional info on greens and veggies, but all of the common fedder insects are on there, with calcium to phosphorus ratios, fat, protien, etc... And that doesnt change no matter what your feeding them to. They have put allot of time into verifying the research and information to make sure all the nutritional info is correct.


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New Member
Allot of the online bug guys carry them. Mulberry farms as mentioned before is a good source, I like coastal better. They seem to run out less often, are normally better priced, and the seem to ship faster, but they are also much closer to me. There is one in Florida, I think the other is in California. Depnding on how many worms you want, i would recomend the pods. Otherwise feeding them is a pain, and they'll normally only last a couple days at most without food.


As for a nutrition chart, the best one Ive seen is for bearded dragons. The dietary requirements are obviously quite different, and there is allot of nutritional info on greens and veggies, but all of the common fedder insects are on there, with calcium to phosphorus ratios, fat, protien, etc... And that doesnt change no matter what your feeding them to. They have put allot of time into verifying the research and information to make sure all the nutritional info is correct.



If your silkworms only last at most 2 days you may have to much moisture in there enclosure or your chow may have gone bad, they should live longer then 2 days. I buy silkworms to last me 5 days at a time(without any chow) and I have no problems. I had a large silkworm last me up to a week, shared it between two geckos in the end. I avoid all moisture by just leaving them in a open tub, there poor climbers anyways.

Thanks for the info btw!:main_thumbsup:
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MsTwo EntFeeders

New Member
Juneau, AK
We carry silk worms if you have a hard time finding them.


They are an incredible staple and I am sure they are the reason I was able to save my rescue leo.

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