Which type of worm is easier to digest, mealworm or waxworm?

Which is easier to digest?

  • Mealworms

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Waxworms

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • other

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters


Freelance Artist
Atlanta, Georgia
:C Darn, well at least this was caught by the owner himself. There are just way too many babies being sold before they're ready to be even MOVED great distances.

Frankly from the standpoint of having worked in retail (not of the pet sort) it was probably a mistake from a new guy who didn't quite know healthy and old enough to underweight and too young - firing him without the chance to learn from the mistake is a bit far fetched especially in this day and economy >_>

From what I saw of their site all their shown animals looked healthy, so it had struck me as odd that the one baby was so frail.

On the plus side you know a lot more about feeder insects and caring for an unhealthy gecko than you originally would have started out knowing!


New Member
awww...well good news is you'll get a healthy one and this one will get the care he needs. bad news is...you sorta probably got a bit attatched to him. But its better to have a healthy one then a crummy one.

Still I would be more pissed then the owner. I would want the guy who sold it to you fired. I would want more quality service whenever I walk into the shop. And maybe they should only have pro's deal with the reps and all the newbs stick to stocking shelves.

Hell I think I'm more angry then you are at the place.

I think they didn't get a bad thought from me was just because of the look on the owner. He could of just been acting but he had a genuine sorry look on him. When we were talking about how it was a new person that sold us the gecko, the girl working the cashier that helped us yesterday piped up and told him who sold it. He said the person wasn't even really suppose to help with the animals, she was only suppose to work the live food counter. Another employee tried to help out the situation by saying it was packed and no one was available (but me and the owner knew that was a load of bologna) I told him that was not true and that almost everyone was just standing around talking to each other. I think the only reason was because the owner wasn't in that day or the manager was off, I don't know. But what I do know though, it was highly unprofessional. As soon as those words came from me, the owner looked almost embarrassed his own store was operating like this. After that another employee came and in a low voice told him something and he left saying sorry and that they would take care of this immediately. I'm fairly sure the person who sold me my gecko was fired because I no longer see her working the counter.

And yes, I did get attached to the little guy. The look he gave me when I placed the calcium dish into his tank was the cutest thing I've ever seen.
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New Member
:C Darn, well at least this was caught by the owner himself. There are just way too many babies being sold before they're ready to be even MOVED great distances.

Frankly from the standpoint of having worked in retail (not of the pet sort) it was probably a mistake from a new guy who didn't quite know healthy and old enough to underweight and too young - firing him without the chance to learn from the mistake is a bit far fetched especially in this day and economy >_>

From what I saw of their site all their shown animals looked healthy, so it had struck me as odd that the one baby was so frail.

On the plus side you know a lot more about feeder insects and caring for an unhealthy gecko than you originally would have started out knowing!

True, true. But the thing is I hate how I learned it, from experience... When I get a call when they're geckos hatch he said I would be the first on the list and get to choose which one I want to take home, which I guess is okay. I think the only reason I'll ever visit that store again is just to check up on the poor little guys health and probably get some live mealies for my next gecko. The only real reason I ever went there in the first place is because is was the only place that actually knew what they were selling.

Also while I'm there I'll look to see whatever happened to the employee, because of the look on Ricks face was both Frustration, a bit of Embarrassment, and Apology. Wonder how that translates over to the ,"I need to see you in my office", conversation.


New Member
Milford PA
Either they got the boot or were harshly reprimanded. I go with the boot though. I've worked retail for years, hell its really the only thing I know after working it since I was 12. So I know the ins and outs pretty well. I've worked in 2 petshops both WORTHLESS POS! A mom and pops shop in Brooklyn. Really horrible place, filthy, everything half dead, we used to sadly...steal the lizards and snakes to take home and try to get them healthy and sneak them back into the shop to sell them off. It was pretty bad actually.

The other was...sadly..PETLAND! Now in all truth at the time I didn't know better. Then I learned the horrors! Sure they seem nice...on the outside. Most times I was written up for trying to take care of animals the right way. Even refused to sell a bearded dragon because they were going to buy a 5 gallon tank instead of a starter 20. A ten isn't worth getting and a 20 is just barely doing it in my opinion. I would put tanks in the backroom as holding tanks to check for parasites and other things. Got in trouble for that all the time.

In the end the owner has every right to fire the idiot who messed up. If they did their job right then it wouldn't have been a big deal but everyone in the store is at fault for standing around and talking when the bosses aren't around. They should be working. And a live food clerk shouldn't be trying to help you with a purchase. I totally agree with the boss...He probably was embarrassed. That store clerk made him and the store look like sh-t. Not good at all.

well...really sorry about the gecko man. And I know your pain. I had almost the same deal with my first tokay. Didn't know what I was doing, didn't know what to look for. Learned the hard way. except mine died in my hands. at least yours may still have a chance to live.


New Member
Hmm, yeah I know where you're coming from, the folks at my LPS labels them between 'Normal' and 'Fancy' but none of my girls are 'Normals' XP

Yeah, can you tell me the difference between normal and "fancy"? I was at petco the other day getting some fish food and was comparing pricing on Live Mealworms.

SC Geckos

New Member
Yeah, can you tell me the difference between normal and "fancy"? I was at petco the other day getting some fish food and was comparing pricing on Live Mealworms.

A "fancy" leo is basically a leo that the LPS has no idea what morph it is. All they know is it doesn't look like a normal. lol! Sad.


New Member
Either they got the boot or were harshly reprimanded. I go with the boot though. I've worked retail for years, hell its really the only thing I know after working it since I was 12. So I know the ins and outs pretty well. I've worked in 2 petshops both WORTHLESS POS! A mom and pops shop in Brooklyn. Really horrible place, filthy, everything half dead, we used to sadly...steal the lizards and snakes to take home and try to get them healthy and sneak them back into the shop to sell them off. It was pretty bad actually.

The other was...sadly..PETLAND! Now in all truth at the time I didn't know better. Then I learned the horrors! Sure they seem nice...on the outside. Most times I was written up for trying to take care of animals the right way. Even refused to sell a bearded dragon because they were going to buy a 5 gallon tank instead of a starter 20. A ten isn't worth getting and a 20 is just barely doing it in my opinion. I would put tanks in the backroom as holding tanks to check for parasites and other things. Got in trouble for that all the time.

In the end the owner has every right to fire the idiot who messed up. If they did their job right then it wouldn't have been a big deal but everyone in the store is at fault for standing around and talking when the bosses aren't around. They should be working. And a live food clerk shouldn't be trying to help you with a purchase. I totally agree with the boss...He probably was embarrassed. That store clerk made him and the store look like sh-t. Not good at all.

well...really sorry about the gecko man. And I know your pain. I had almost the same deal with my first tokay. Didn't know what I was doing, didn't know what to look for. Learned the hard way. except mine died in my hands. at least yours may still have a chance to live.

Aw man, rough resume and sad to hear about your tokay. The sad thing about chain pet stores almost all of them just cramp the poor animals into a tiny aquarium, smack a label on it, then call it a day. I remember when I was first getting into Parakeets I would always intentionally not look at the displays. It really makes me sick to my stomach how those employees can walk in everyday without feeling appalled. That's partially the reason I mainly turn to breeders and privately owned shops.

I remember being on a business trip with my doberman one summer and desperately needed dog food as the food I packed was misplaced. You would not believe the horrible sight I saw. The turtle tanks were basically plastic bins with mud water inside it, the fish tanks were just a display case full of carcases, the pet supplies were just thrown onto the shelves, and the dogs were just stuffed into a corner of the shop with 1 BOWL OF FOOD AND 1 BOWL OF WATER. You could hear the growls as soon as you walk in.


New Member
Milford PA
Yeah was years ago but I still remember. After that I got a few captive breds and went from there. And I always asked the breeder for the mean ones. Nothing but mean I tell em. Meaner then all the others! I ended up getting one that grew to 14 inches, and chased my cat through the house. My 3 iguanas at the time were scared of him. And the only way I could pick him up is if I dangled food on one side and reached for him with the other. Great guy I miss him but he got a better home.

OH yeah they shove those parakeets 50 a cage like that's normal. And the cage isn't even all that big. None of the birds ever got out to be washed or played with. Me and a co-worker did that with most of them (the african grey hell no those always wanted to eat us). Most of those animals are treated like crap and the workers who care to much are the ones that get the boot.

I never trust petshops. but there is one...ONE! and I mean one I go to in NJ. You can eat off the floor. I never seen fish tanks this clean, rep takes this clean. The snake took a dump the guy went over and scooped it. They give their reps baths and the parakeets are 6 per cage. the cages are good size to. Parots are all hand fed so they are good with people. And the people there know what their doing. Its weird its like the twilight zone.

well I hope when you get your next gecko you show him or her off. I'd love to see what you get.


New Member
Yeah was years ago but I still remember. After that I got a few captive breds and went from there. And I always asked the breeder for the mean ones. Nothing but mean I tell em. Meaner then all the others! I ended up getting one that grew to 14 inches, and chased my cat through the house. My 3 iguanas at the time were scared of him. And the only way I could pick him up is if I dangled food on one side and reached for him with the other. Great guy I miss him but he got a better home.

OH yeah they shove those parakeets 50 a cage like that's normal. And the cage isn't even all that big. None of the birds ever got out to be washed or played with. Me and a co-worker did that with most of them (the african grey hell no those always wanted to eat us). Most of those animals are treated like crap and the workers who care to much are the ones that get the boot.

I never trust petshops. but there is one...ONE! and I mean one I go to in NJ. You can eat off the floor. I never seen fish tanks this clean, rep takes this clean. The snake took a dump the guy went over and scooped it. They give their reps baths and the parakeets are 6 per cage. the cages are good size to. Parots are all hand fed so they are good with people. And the people there know what their doing. Its weird its like the twilight zone.

well I hope when you get your next gecko you show him or her off. I'd love to see what you get.

I'll be sure to get something up on my Album on here when I get him situated.

Also, can I by chance get an address on that petstore? It sounds so good I might just catch a plane to see it.


Ridgewood, NJ
The saddest thing is I know FAR too many people that have purposefully gone into pet stores that keep their animals in filthy, unhealthy, miserable conditions and are willing to buy them at full price to "save them." Those mall puppy stores are my worst enemy :p While they may be getting an individual animal out of a bad situation they are keeping the unethical owners in business.


New Member
Milford PA
I'll get the correct address for you when I go down. I don't know where I put the business card. But I'll get it for you and send you a PM when I have it.


New Member
The saddest thing is I know FAR too many people that have purposefully gone into pet stores that keep their animals in filthy, unhealthy, miserable conditions and are willing to buy them at full price to "save them." Those mall puppy stores are my worst enemy :p While they may be getting an individual animal out of a bad situation they are keeping the unethical owners in business.

That's the vicious cycle right there. I remember taking a trip to LA for a vacation to Universal Studios with family. You would not believe how many poor dogs I saw in those cramped little "fashion carries". Those are the devils purses for chihuahuas.


New Member
It's best to avoid wax worms. They LOVE wax worms and may just wait out for wax worms and ignore mealworms. Why don't you try silkworms? They are better than both mealworms and wax worms. All of mine love dubias, too. Silkworms are super soft and squishy. Dubias are supposed to be better than crickets as well in terms of digestibility and nutrition.

Here's the order of preferences of my 3 leos.
wax worm > silkworm > cricket > dubia > mealworm > phoenix worm

Digby Rigby

In response to the original question wax worms are easier to digest as they have less fiber. Crickets wax worms and mealworms are inferior feeders. Ditch them and use silkworms instead of waxworms and various species of roaches. Also freshly molted beetles are good meaning as long as they are still white.

There are several species of roaches that can work for you. Blatta lateralis are close to cricket size and do not dig or burrow or climb glass and breed fast. Blaptica dubia are good as well as various species of Blaberus among others.


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
I feed my leo a staple of Dubia Roaches with mealworms as a treat. :) Just got my Dubia starter colony in yesterday, so I'm hoping for some good babies soon :D

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