

is behind you.
Prince George, BC
I don't want to go into work tomorrow. Ugh. I'm quitting at the end of the month but in the meantime all the horribly cared for reptiles are going to stress me out.

We just got two AFTs in last week and they both have regenerated tails and we're selling them for $130 each. Ugh. They were on some sort of mulch/soil mixture so I took that off and put them on paper towel. I think I'll change it to coconut fiber though. They're both very sweet even though the male was in shed and didn't want to be handled much.

Since one of them was going into shed I made sure to give the enclosure a good misting a few times during the day. That was Sunday and I doubt anyone has misted them again. I'll be surprised if they even have water. I really like AFTs and leopard geckos and unfortunately they're some of the worst cared for in our store. I try to care for them to the best of my ability but I'm only there two days a week. Atleast my store lets me put them on paper towels.

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