Who has red eared sliders?


New Member
Techgirl...I just re-read some of the post. If the UV bulbs have been used before, you might want to purchase new ones. They tend to loose their effectiveness after 4-6 months.

John.. Nice tank!! Looks super easy to clean too. I'm jealous of your shells!! My girls' has gotten pretty liney over the years (about 14 now). I wish I could recommend one of the cannister filters. I was going to try one if my powerhead ever died. For the pond I just used one of the large pondmaster ones. You could always try building one from a bucket and a pump. Might save you a few bucks.


New Member
New Jersey
These lights are old, but I am getting new ones shipped to me, they should be here on the 3rd. I just put them in to start getting an idea on temps and to get that under control. My large piece of driftwood is starting to discolor my water and making it brown. That should be fine considering what the habitat for the turtles that I am looking at. I am aiming for a Texas map turtle but have expanded the list in case I can't find one at Hamburg. Here's the list:
Cagle's Map Turtle
Yellow-Blotched Sawback
Razorback Musk
Loggerhead Musk
Yellow-Bellied Slider
Spotted Turtle(I am getting some slate tiles to create a larger land area today on the basking side)
Reeve's turtle(I really like this one)


New Member
Good deal! I'd be a little worried about the drift wood. I don't know if you could fit something that size in the oven, to make sure its clean. You could try rinsing it well in the shower, or soaking it. Eventually it should stop staining.

Good list. Thre Reeve's are fun, they have such an awkward proportion! Maps in general are among my favorites. Post pics when they come home!


New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
Reeves Turtles are very cool and loaded with personality. I got one as a rescue in 1999 or 2000. She passed away in January of this year. She loved the water. But remember if you get Reeves turtles that they also need a land area and don't make the water really deep. 8 inches deep would be the max on a fully grown Reeves. Maps are cool.
My pics I posted show my Reeves, Maylasian and Western and Souther painted turtles.
Thanks for the great comments on my tank Monte.


New Member
New Jersey
Thanks for the info. I did buy two slate tiles measuring 11 1/2" wide by 16" long. Figured I could make them into a basking platform and another platform for the cool side and have the water on the bottom. I am more and more of thinking of a reeve's because I like the smaller size. I got pvc piping to make stilts for the tiles to avoid any tipping over and can still access the water underneath. I took the driftwood out and may change the water some because of the staining. I am almost tempted to consider buying a cat litter pan that would fit in the tank to make a land area with bed-a-beast as an area for them to hang in. But I'm not sure how I would make that work. Would the 2 tiles as described above work? I know if I went with a spotted, I would definitely need the land area with dirt. I want to make sure I'm prepared for I do bring home since I'm not sure what I will come home with. I won't know until I get to the show and see the turtles first hand and can make my decision then. I'll post more pics as I progress more with the tank. Thanks for the pics of the tanks and for all the suggestions. I am getting more and more excited the more I work with the tank. My daughter keeps asking me when we are going to get her turtle. I keep telling her that we need to wait 3 more weeks. She already has a name for it, Franklin. For those who don't know, Franklin is a turtle cartoon for young children. He can count by 2's and tie his shoes. :) She loves that show. She is already having tea parties and stuff like that for it. This is going to be fun.


New Member
Good name! I haven't seen that show. I'm surprised, my nephew (2) is always begging to watch cartoons. He loves the Back Yardigans (sp?) and Wonderpets. How old is she? Sounds like your having fun!!

The tiles might work if you play a little bit. It'll help if you can give them steps or a ramp to the land. They really aren't the best climbers. You could always silicone it together to make it a little stronger.


New Member
New Jersey
Shes' going to be 4 this year. In fact, we're registering her for pre-K this morning. I did think about the ramps and have aquarium sealant for the glue. Didn't know if silicone was safe to use or not.


New Member
New Jersey
Ok, so I totally re-did the tank today. I changed the water since the driftwood discolored it. I put in only about 7 or so gallons to make the water depth 5.5 inches. I changed the submersible heater to a 50 watt and I put a zoo med 318 turtle filter in that does up to 30 gallons. I also found my old air bubble wand, that's in so to oxygenate the water more. I am now aiming at a water temp of 78-80. Basking temp of 90-95 with the 75 watt(if not I have a 100 watt ceramic heater). I still need to put the slate tiles in. I think overall, it will work well.


New Member
Sounds like a special time all around for her!

Sorry, I should have been more clear by what I meant when I said silicone. Love to see pics when everythings up and running.

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