Why Crickets Suck...


New Member
Alright, I'm going to start a list of reasons why crickets just suck. Add to it too please. So here goes:

1. They are retarded. It can drown in a drop of water, that's pretty stupid in my book.

2. They stink.

3. They die way too easily. Literally, they just die from all sorts of random things, it's stupid.

4. They attract ANTS!!!

5. If they get out in your house, they breed, and then you have little babies all over in the bathroom...

Alright, so add in your reasons as you see fit :)


Fozzy Bear
Those 5 reasons are why i switched to mealies.....

Sure mealies can be a pain in the ass, but they don't escape like crickets do, and if they do you usually just find them dried out in the corner.

Mealies rock


New Member
I dunno, I think mealies are one of the easiest insects to keep. They don't have any of the problems mentioned above at all lol.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Crickets suck.... I made the switch to Dubia roaches... Its the best move I ever made... They do not smell, make no noise, EASY to keep, cant climb, breed like crazy, they are full of vitamins, minerals, calcium and all that other good stuff, and the leos love them... If I were to give my leos a staple, dubias would be my top choice but I still think a varied diet is better....

By the way, it is not normal for crickets to breed in your house.... The conditions inside your home is not cricket friendly.... They do not have a substrate to lay eggs in and they would much rather be outside


New Member
I figured it wasn't normal, but regardless I've got a sleue of little ones all over in one of our bathrooms and I know for certain that I didn't lose that many when I put them in the bin...but maybe that's what happened *shrugs*

I got the official word that I'm not allowed to keep roaches no matter if they can't climb. If they get out in the house it's just going to be impossible to get rid of. So supers and mealies it will remain unless a leo gets stubborn and wants crix...

John N

JCN Reptiles
Lancaster, PA
I agree with Gregg, Dubias are great. So are the Lateralis.

It's not impossible to get rid of them. They need heat an moisture to live. The common feeder ones that is... I've had some escapes, but I always eventually find them dead somewhere.


Gregg M said:
By the way, it is not normal for crickets to breed in your house.... The conditions inside your home is not cricket friendly.... They do not have a substrate to lay eggs in and they would much rather be outside

Crickets breed in my house. I have a nasty dirt basement and they sometimes they migrate upstairs. :main_thumbsdown: No more crickets for me. I switched everyone to mealies.


New Member
Marital problems...oi...that's not good :S.

I have family problems when it comes to the crickets...my sister is a wimp and gets all girly when she see's them...


Happy Gecko Family
Marital problems, lol, how true! You see, I'm scared of crickets (even though I can now pick up a roach with my bare hand, I'm still scared of crickets...) and I relied on my husband to de-leg those evil crickets before I can feed them to my geckos. So when he is busy and slow to get his task done, I get into a bad mood!


New Member
LOL. Well luckily I'm not married or have a girlfriend or anything like that which would hinder my ability to feed my animals lol.

Got another reason which sort of goes with the whole escaping and chirping thing. When they are out there in the house and chirping, you never seem to be able to find them, even though you can hear them...

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
TripleMoonsExotic said:
Crickets breed in my house. I have a nasty dirt basement and they sometimes they migrate upstairs. :main_thumbsdown: No more crickets for me. I switched everyone to mealies.

What are they feeding on??? They need some type of food source.... I dont know about those of you who have "crickets breeding in your house" but I know in my house, there is nothing for crickets to feed on... Any escapees are found a few days later all dried up....

If crickets infested homes, they would be more of a problem than pest species roaches...

I can see an egg filled female escaping and finding a spot to lay her eggs but I cant see the hatchling crickets surviving more than a few days, never mind to breeding size... I will even go as far as to say it is damn near impossible to have an infestation of crickets in your home... The conditions inside human dwellings are just not favorable enough to support breeding generations of crickets...


New Member
I'm not sure what they are feeding on. There's plenty of water for them to get to and moisture and such. They are probably just escapees, just lots of them that I didn't know about, but still, I walked in the bathroom and there were dozens lol.

But still, I've got loads of supers and mealies now, no need for crix. All the leo's and my beardie eat worms, so shouldn't have much of a problem :p

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