Why does this happen?


New Member
I understand that traits from two parent Leo's will cause the offspring to come out as different morphs if parental traits are different.

What I'm wondering though, is why do leopard geckos morph in the first place? Is it an environmental thing? Diet? What is it exactly that effects why one would acquire the traits in the first place?

Please have serious answers.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
Since most morphs are just color related, they start out as genetic mutations. It happens in the wild and of course in other pets as well. Generally though, in the wild, if a animal is born with a unusual color it dies fast unless that unusual color benefits it. So, you see less variation in the wild... sometimes. Of course if your talking about chiclids or some other species there is quite a bit of variety in the wild.

Its all basic evolution, humans just choose different traits than natural selection does.


New Member
desdemona explains it well.

There is no set pattern for raising any gecko or reptile.

There are simply too many variables.

If we could survive three months without water or food it might enable us to understand.

A human cannot live longer than 21 days without water. At least that's the current record.

A gecko can live months without water. Its tail holds it all for survival and, sadly, we humans don't know what survival is...what with text-messaging and cellphones. An average, everyday addicted cellphone user will die within two weeks of simply not having a cellphone. Almost.

My biggest question for cellphone users:

Why do y'all almost scream the conversation in any public domain? Is it because you might think what you are saying is so important that it will change the course of history?

I dunno, but the typical conversation I'm forced to hear where ever the heck I go sounds something like this;

"Do you want me to text you later? Do you want regular green peas or Le'Sueur green peas. Are we still talking?"

That's some profound stuff there!


PS...cellphones are umero numero for emergencies but that's not how they are used, regrettably.
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New Member
The big question is... why when a black human and a white human have a baby we create ebony morphs....


New Member
Same reason when you mix chocolate and vanilla.

Is that truly a hard question?

Ebony never arises from what you say.

Beige is perhaps the colour you're looking for.

I've never seen beige on a piano's keys.
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New Member
I wasn't looking for a colour I was giving a example of how genetics work

I'm pretty sure if u called some one beige they would take you to town for it. Ebony is the correct term to use Obama is ebony.

I'm not sure how it works with lizards. So can't help you there. I don't know if the females or males have the stronger genetics which transfer to there young


New Member
Down Town

I'm pretty sure if u called some one beige they would take you to town for it.

I love to go to town once in a while. Is beige the new "B" word?

Lighten up. You have no idea what colour I am and even if you did, why would it matter?

But yes, I'll go to town with anyone...as long as they pay for it.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
THis thread has certainly wandered and I'm not sure how helpful the journey has been. I'd say that morphs in leopard geckos come about the same way as breeds in dogs, varieties in flowers or anything else that humans have cultivated. Evolution chooses traits and develops them over a long period of time depending on environmental conditions. Humans pick and choose traits that crop up randomly and highlight them by deliberate recessive/dominant and line breeding to develop those traits much more quickly than they would be developed in nature, if they were even allowed to survive, as mentioned before.



New Member
THis thread has certainly wandered and I'm not sure how helpful the journey has been.Aliza

Good point and I can agree that nothing has been learned and definitely no where near a journey or adventure. It was just random thoughts. We all have them, yes? If not, then my posting a reply is moot.

During the breeding cycle concerning geckos, a determination of specific procreation can not be outlined because they rarely mate and when they do, it's never assured that the eggs will be fertile enough to hatch.

Usually it is but my point, I reckon, is that we shouldn't assume too much even though we wish the best and feel that ultimately, there'll be a perfect outcome.

If we've learned anything, and we have, is that there is certain nothing's for certain.



New Member
Actually I learnt that you think half cast or ebony people are beige... which I do find quite amusing.


New Member
Well, amusing's a good thing I believe. As long as I can make you smile then I feel things are going well.

I'll point out that you are starting to rearrange my initial meaning...distorting it.

But if that amuses you then so be it. Just remember, the more you say, the more you will reveal your true self. Not just to me but to everyone on these forums.

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