Why is it that...


New Member
I haven't waited tables in almost 4 years, yet I still have nightmares about it! :main_angry: Seriously, I've had about 6 waitmares in less than a month and they are so awful. I wake up tired and stressed! :main_thumbsdown: I really hope they stop soon.....


New Member
Go to the dr's and tell em your having problems sleeping, they should give you some ambien. Hopefully your not getting panic attacks. I was having them for awhile and the dr put me on .5mg Xanax. The pills worked wonders for me. It really helped me fall asleep and stay asleep..

Good luck to you I hope it all works out for you..


New Member
It's not that bad. I don't have panic attacks or anything and I sleep through the night, aside from my baby waking me. It's just that I work so hard in my dreams that I wake up completely drained. These dreams started up about a month ago and I have 2-3 a week. I'm just ready to dream about something else!:D


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
It probably just means that something else is stressing you out, you may not even be noticing it consciously. We're in the middle of moving and I've been having the weirdest bad dreams completely unrelated to new/old house drama. Stress can manifest itself in unusual ways. Go get a massage or have a night out with friends and unwind. Hopefully the dreams stop soon, waking up exhausted certainly takes it's toll!

p.s. I think everyone should have to wait tables at least once in their life so they can learn how to tip. It really is one of the most miserable jobs! LOL


New Member
p.s. I think everyone should have to wait tables at least once in their life so they can learn how to tip. It really is one of the most miserable jobs! LOL

I could not agree with that statement more! When I was waiting other servers would always say it needs to be a class you take in college, Waiting 101, lol! I said no, high school, not everyone goes to college! LMAO!! It really wouldn't be such a miserable job if people wouldn't be such d-bags about everything.

I do have a lot of stress right now. I have a new baby and no time to do any housework and seeing it all pile up stresses me out. Plus we are having financial troubles as well. I actually just got a massage on Saturday as a Mother's Day gift! It was wonderful, but I think I need to go back, hahaha!

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