


I'm so mad and sad about this so I thought I would rant. Well the people that live next to us have a pitbull. I very nice brendle pitbull! Well she lives outside tied up everyday all day and all night. It crys and barks all night. This is my question why get a dog and just keep it in the backyard!!!! In two weeks I only seen them interact with the dog once beside giving it food. The dog house is a plastic kennel with rubber flaps for doors and no blankets. At night it been in the 40s and should be getting colder. She leans on the fence to get the last bit of heat from the sunlight before the night. The worest part I found out this weekend that she is pregant! but they still keep her back there! So there going to let her have her puppies in this cold of weather! I don't know how far along she is so I been watching to see when she has them. When she does I'm going to go over there and tell them because I doubt they would notice other wise but their only home at night. I'm scared that she will have them and they won't be home or it will be late at night. If there not home I guess im hoping over that fence and helping her and giving her a nice banket to have them on and to keep them warm until they get home. They also have another dog but that dog is a inside dog and they walk that dog and play with it all the time but show no love for the dog in the back. I'm just so mad and I almost cry when I hear her at night. I'm going to take a picture of her for you can see how pretty she is and what her hold day is spent doing. Its not like she is a mean dog. She is one of the most loving dogs I have ever met :( Why are some people so cruel!
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New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Awww she's beautiful. What a shame. We have someone at the end of our street that leaves their boxer out all the time, without food, water or shelter, however she is taken in at night. She's never been socialized and gets overly excited when approached by a person, in search for any attention she can get. She has gotten loose a few times, as they have no fence just her tied to a tree. When she's gotten loose when someone is driving down the street she chaises the car and jumps on the door while it's moving again trying to get some sort of attention. I don't know how any one can own a dog and do these kinds of things. It's very sad.


I scared for the puppies and for her. If she has them at night in this weather i don't think it will have a good out come. :( If she has them and they die im going to go punch the owners in the face!:main_angry:


New Member
York, PA
I was thinking the same thing. I would call someone about her so maybe she has a chance at a good life...along with the puppies.


She is in a fenced back yard with a leash on??

That's so F'in cruel some people really piss me off!! I would contact someone about it asap, hopefully her and the pups can get some kinda hope of life!


420Geckos said:
You really should contact the ASPCA. You can do it anonymously.

+1, i see this waaaayyyy too much. on my way going to work i pass a pit bull thats tied up in a fenced yard while the owners have their other one going free.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
I'm glad she's in good "visual" shape. I just don't understand how someone can buy an animal and shun it to a pen outside, while another gets more attention. Sure she gets her basic needs...food, water and a place to sleep...but where is the love and affection the animal really deserves. She's pregnant, she shouldn't be outside.

I really do not understand people.


Yup a simple call to ASPCA works wonders. BELIEVE ME. I've done it before. Doesn't mean they will arrest the person but they will give them some choices that they may feel they dont have, like surrendering the dog. I had a neighbor with a sick dog that could not afford to take care of it and thought the dog would be killed if they asked a shelter to take it. So after the ASPCA talked to her she surrendered the dog. I say thats your best bet. They may not realize what they are doing and that would be a wake up call.
Tell us how it goes!


Well I think it is curel but it doesn't seem like they are any breaking laws. She has food and water and shelter. I been researching the laws and about animal cruelty in texas and havn't found any they broke. Broke all the laws in my book though! I'm still on puppy watch and it getting harder and harder to hear her at night. Its breaking my heart..:( I wish I knew how far along she is. Thank god it got alittle warmer at night but i don't know how long it will stay. It pretty sad when I have to watch out for there dog!:main_no: I don't mind it at all but god people these days make me so mad! I better leave it at that..I'm getting to worked up... Just keep her and her puppies in your prayers!!


New Member
Wow, she is a beauty. I love pitties!

Rose, they may not break any law but you don't lose anything for making a call and trying. Maybe you can persuade the cops to talk to your neighbours, even if they can't requisition the dog.

What I'm not sure about is if that dog will be treated by the cops as if she were any other breed. At least, here in Spain, pit bulls are though to be a very vicious breed by most people, including many cops, and they are at disadvantage when judged.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
That girl is living in luxury (sp) compared to how some are kept. I hear horro stories of how some people keep their dogs chained up in their cellar, and their chains are only about 3 feet long. They never see sunlight or get ANY attention.

"Payback" I hope they have theirs coming to them!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Since they are not breaking any laws, why not call your local TV station that may do a piece on it. We had a case like that here in Cleveland last year, and all the APL did was tell the owner he/she had to heat the water so it didn't freeze. The local TV station went to their house multiple times showing the dog, her house and how cold it was. Soon the dog was moved inside. I'm sure the public outcry was what fixed things more than the law could do for the poor girl.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
That's terrible Rose. It's so hard to get anything done about situations like this here. The general thought is (in my best redneck voice) "This is Texas, dogs live outside". Do they even want the dog? My mother in law just got her neighbor to turn over their dog. The got a yorkipoo puppy and kept it in the back yard because it peed in the house. 40 degree temperatures are not acceptable for toy breeds or pregnant dogs. People just suck sometimes! I hope you can rescue the puppies.


Well I just checked on her today. Thank god its been warmer! She all filled with milk and I saw her food bowl over flowing with food but she hasn't touched it. Is that a sign?
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Awe poor girl :( Pitties are not made to live in the cold! At any rate what they are doing may not be against the law now...but if she has puppies outside and its cold out those puppies could die....it IS neglect to let her have those puppies outside in the cold and that IS against the law (in most places anyway...). I would call the ASPCA and let them know what's going on...if those puppies are born out there and its 40 degrees out they could and very likely will die without attention.

The fact that she's not eating now could be a sign that she's going to give birth very soon.


YA I know if they puppies do die then thats neglect but I hope to save them.


They don't have to die for it to be neglect...just letting her have puppies out in the cold is usually grounds enough for seizure (or at least some sort of action).

I hope you're able to help her and her puppies!


New Member
She may have food, water and shelter, but I do not see how she could possibly be getting exercise While tied to a leash in a pen. In my book that is a basic need for dogs. If they do not ever let her off the chain and let her run or take her for walks that is neglect. Do you know if she is pregnant because they bred her or if it just happened? I would never want to buy a puppy from someone that treats the animals in this manner. Before calling the Aspca, I would talk with them. I would find out why the dog is treated like such an outcast the nicest way I could. I would offer any help I could give them. They may not even want the dog and are just keeping her around because they don't know what else to do with her. If they say they are interested in rehoming her offer help in finding a sutible home for her and the puppies. If they blow you off, I would call the Aspca.

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