will she say no if....


New Member
Plymouth UK
She is about to lay. i have a gravid female who was mated and ive been giving her all my attention. I tried to get my other female to mate also but she said no everytime i saw him try any way i left her in for a few days and took her out this was 3 days ago i checked her tummy today and theres bloody eggs in there and shes started digging like crazy so i presume shes gonna lay any day. i know there probably infertile. but why would she reject the male shes odviously ovualting to have eggs. so do they sometimes say no when there so close to laying. Im gonna put the male in after she has laid and give her a ew days rest and hopefully the next clutch will be fertile.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's hard to tell from your timeline exactly what happened. If you mean that you took the female out after 3 days with the male and looked and there are eggs, then either she was with another male or she is gravid with infertile eggs (or you're seeing ovulation or fat pads both of which have fooled me in the past). If she'd been with the male longer ago than 3 days, they could have mated when you weren't looking. I would guess that most females about to lay are uncomfortable and would reject the male. On the other hand my AFT female is going to lay soon and doesn't reject the male, but they are generally less aggressive.


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