Wondering if this is normal?

krazy kat

New Member
North Carolina
I used the search function and didn't find anything.I'm still really new to collecting geckos.I picked up my female SHTCTB and noticed when she picked her feet up to move across my hand she would shake her feet as if to shake something free from her toes.She dosen't have any left over shed on her toes or anything like that.Is this normal? Thanks....:main_huh:


New Member
Does she do that everytime she walks? If so call the breeder you got it from and ask about it. Sounds like it has something on it, it doesn't have any mites or anything does it? Maybe there was just something on it's foot or leg and it just was shaking it off.

See if it does it all the time. If it was only that one time I would pay it no mind.

krazy kat

New Member
North Carolina
I didn't see anything on her feet but will check to see how she does tonight.I have been having to work with handling her for she didn't really want to be messed with.She has eased up and I kind of figured she may have been scared,maybe?I didn't get her from a dealer,I traded some tarantulas for her from a guy on another forum.She is still kind of young.She shook all her feet as she walked but only her feet.She eats really well and is healthy..Thank you..
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New Member
Between two terrariums
Just on your hand? Maybe she doesn't want to catch people-cooties? :laugh:

But seriously, not sure. Maybe there was something on your hand (lotion, sunscreen), or something on her feet? Do you keep her on sand? Maybe she's got some between her toes. Was she actually shaking them, were they shaking on their own, or was she just lifting her feet up high?

krazy kat

New Member
North Carolina
I keep her on tile substrate.My hands could have been sweating.She could have been nervouse it took me a few minutes to get her on to my hand.Being new to geckos I could just be reading to much in to it.


New Member
Between two terrariums
I don't have much hands-on experience myself, but if it was just an offhand foot-shake, like a cat would do, I'd just pass it off - could've been anything, balance, stretching, an itch from the hairs on your skin.
A lot of geckos, leo and otherwise, don't seem to like arm-hair. :laugh:

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