shes most likely eating it. just not enough that u would notice. a lot of ppl just put a very small amount to cover the bottom of the dish so they can tell if it is eating it. i wouldn't move it around the enclosure too much. just leave it somewhere where it is easily accessible. also, if it was on baby food before it came to you, it just needs to adjust. you can mix a little baby food in and slowly wean it off of it. but if you don't give it an option and just give it pure cgd it will eventually start to eat it. as long as you keep it in there and change it every other day or so it should be fine.
she was on CGD before. she came from pangea and they like preach that there. lol she has no problem eating it. i just haven't seen her so it. i think she's been to busy hanging upside down from the vines to eat lol.
Put less in the bowl, you'll be able to notice whether it's actually eating from the bowl or not. I'd definitely stop hand feeding, unless you notice weight loss, as it was mentioned sometimes baby gargs do have problems wanting to eat from the bowl.
I have one who would eat everything from day one, then all of a sudden nearly stopped eating, but it eats just enough I guess because the little booger is growing and getting fat. I've finally gotten it to eat crickets, where before it'd refuse.
I would not mix it with baby food. Definitely just stick with mixing CGD with water.