Woohoo! Critter Condo's on the way!


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
So within about a year/ year and a half span my first encounter with a classroom pet (leopard gecko) spawned a reptile obsession and now I have beardies, blue tongue skink, tokays, and leos (i recently adopted out the cwd's and curly tails).

What used to be a guest room is now a reptile room with a small bed in the corner should a human choose to experience sleeping in a jungle. 3 out of the 4 walls consists of 30-80 gallon tanks on shelves and bins on the floor containing feeders. Reptiles are great .. but the clutter is killing me .. (I used to be in the Army .. so im still a little bit of a neat freak).

Anyways, long story short, the money I was saving for upgrading my HD TV ended up going to purchasing a bunch 48x24x18 critter condos




These are just pics from the site I ordered from. But I am hoping with these I can finally get the room to look a little more organized.

I cant wait for these to show up (probably a few weeks) but then again, from what im told these things weigh close to 100 lbs each. I live on the third floor ... yikes.


OMG, those are going to be so great!! You *must* post pictures as the room progresses. And you need to talk to my hubby about giving up HD TV money for reptile stuff;)

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