Can someone tell me if it's OK the give my leo an earth worm thats been well washed? You can feed them to turtles and I thought Jimmy would like to try one. Thanks in advance.
i know earthworms are available as captive bred worms used for fishing, and i have also wondered if these would be okay to feed leos as a treat (definite NO on wild caught ones). it believe earthworms do eat a lot of dirt, so this is the only reason i am doubtful they would be okay, but still curious as well.
and im talking about the reddish colored ones that are about 2-3 inches long, not the 5-6+ inchers. not sure which ones lukus was refering to.
Thanks for the replys, I know there are worms that are raised for fishing but I don't think they are carefull with how it's done, I'll just keep looking for some butterworms to buy on line. Thanks