Worried about injury after geckos leg got stuck


New Member
Hello! For background, I have a rescue barking gecko (underwoodisaurus milli). She had bad MBD and has existing toe fractures as result. I rescued her almost a year ago and have been treating this with Calcium and UVB, and at a vet appointment earlier in the year, her bone density was improving and almost at the level of a non-MBD gecko.

Now, for the current issue; she just got her luck stuck. She managed to slip it between her glass sliding door and it’s frame, and it obviously went in easily, but then she couldn’t get the correct angle to free herself. I was trying to sleep at the time but heard her wriggling around pretty quickly, and as I turned the light on and approached her she started getting really stressed- barking, screaming, and biting at the glass door when I opened it. Poor thing was so stressed she even bit me, and while she doesn’t love handling at the best of times, she’s never been aggressive towards me. I grabbed her and managed to free the leg pretty easily, she just needed to be lifted slightly and it slid right out. I’m not worried about a crush injury because she was wiggling the arm before I grabbed her, but I’m worried that she’s thrashed herself around too hard and injured herself. There was no obvious sign of fracture, no bruising or discolouration. I put her down, and she was constantly licking her lips and breathing fast. She walked off to the other side of her enclosure, climbed over a few small obstacles (she does have plenty of space to have gone around these). When she was walking, she didn’t seem to have an obvious limp, and was willing to weight bear on it while climbing.

it’s now been almost an hour since she got stuck, and she’s stopped licking her lips, and her breathing rate has slowed to her normal rate, and she’s been walking around and climbing some small obstacles like she normally would. Even though she looks ok, I’m so worried she’s either fractured something or is at risk of capture myopathy. I’ve never seen her so stressed and I don’t know if it was pain or just her feeling the need to be extra defensive since she was vulnerable that caused her stress response.

has anybody ever had similar situations
with their geckos and had everything turn out ok???? I’m planning to get her checked out tomorrow (there’s no 24/7 emergency near me that does exotics, and I want to give her more time in a dark room to calm down because she hates handling and travelling), but I would absolutely love to hear from anyone who has had similar situations that worked out ok to help out my mind at ease in the meanwhile.
Thank you so so much!!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I've had a very few instances where a gecko got caught in the sliding glass door, or a tail got stuck in a closing door. In the case of the sliding glass door, the leopard gecko did drop its tail and in the case of the exo-terra cage door, the gargoyle did not lose any of its tail. There wasn't such a long period of struggle, though. I'd consider it very positive that your gecko is behaving more normally so quickly afterwards.


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