
New Member
Miami, FL
A few days ago my male leopard gecko shed. No big deal. He spent the whole day in the moist hide (filled with moss) and ate all his shed like a good boy. I can understand that he would not be hungry at dinner that night but three days later he still has no interest in food. I came home tonight from my Halloween events (happy Halloween btw!) and check up on my lizards. I find in his tank a poo that is not at all normal. After MUCH deliberation and studying of this poo I come to understand, to my ultimate horror, that this poo is constructed of pure moss and a few bits of shed. HE HAS EATEN MOSS!!!!!! I am frantic!!!!!! Immediately i dripped veggie oil in his mouth to try and help anything that was left in his tummy out. I AM SO WORRIED!!!!!! This has never happened to me before and I have kept leos for 8 years! I use moss because i thought it was the safest for them against impaction BUT HE ATE IT!!!!! PLEASEEEEEEE help me and tell me what I should do!!!! I am afraid that if I switch the moss to paper towels that my girls wont lay their eggs in it and I have a female who is expecting. Is vermiculite or perlite safer for them? Please advise me through this situation. I am beside myself with horror.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
Step 1: Breathe
Step 2: Remove the moss from his humid hide.
Step 3: Leave him be, and observe.

If he doesn't regain his normal eating habits in a few more days, then be alarmed. I've had a few eat vermiculite out of their lay boxes, poo it out, and I left them alone. Just be glad he poo'd it out! So just keep an eye on him.

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
It's all good just chill out if need be move the male to another enclosure as to not change anything for the females. Monitor the male. Keep introducing food. If he is having issues with pooing give mineral oil and warm soaks. Just keep an eye on him. I'm sure he will be just fine


I just use verimiculate, they may ingest eco or spaghnum moss causing impaction or other complications...but you can get vermiculite at a home improvment store and th only thing that happens is poop gets shiny.

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