Would this be too stressful for a gravid female?


New Member
Bucks county, PA
I witnessed copulation with one of my females a week ago. Would it be too stressful for her if I checked under her belly to see if she has anything yet? How long does it take to see eggs forming through the skin? And one last question, when she is about to lay and I begin daily checks of her box, will it be stressful for her to have to get out? because thats her favorite spot, almost always in there.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
No it is not to stressful for her as long as you handle her with care and limit the amount of time on her back or tail being raised. As far as seeing eggs, once you see ovulation you will see eggs shortly after that...then obviously they will get bigger continuously until she lays. When checking for eggs I will just raise the container and you can see eggs on the bottom...so you wont have to bother her or dig through the container.

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