Would you say my gecko is healthy?


Animal Addict
I got it at a local pet store about 5 months ago. It is a juvie. I feed her crickets and give her calcium supplements. She doesn't seem to be growing very fast, though she has darkened. And I didn't know her tail was regrown! :cry:
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Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
From what I've read varying the diet between several different prey items like crickets, mealies, and supers (you can use the ocasional butterworm and wax worm as a treat or silk and phoneix worms as a rotation the the staple rotation but they tend to be more pricy and sometimes difficult to find) will assist in growth, and making sure you have a good multi vitimin suppliment you are using in conjunction with a calcium suppliment, unless you are using an all in 1 suppliment like repashy calcium plus icb or T-Rex leopard gecko dust, dusted every other feeding will also suit their nutritional needs best. If you're using a complete multi vit. AND supplimenting with regular calcium you risk developing calcium bubbles/deposits which I have actually just been thru myself. I use the repashy and was keeping a dish of plain calcium in the tank, he was getting way too much calcium. Now that I took the dish out and have started dusting every other feeding insted of once a week, eventho it has only been a week since the bubble appeared as of last night it has greatly decreased to almost being gone altogether.

Also at 6 mos old wouldn't that be considered sub-adult at this point or do they still classify that as juvie? How often are you feeding? How much? Also like Roger said knowing more about your set up (temps, feeding schedule, amount, suppliment schedule, substrait, lighting (if used)) etc. will also help us to be better equipped to critique your care.


Animal Addict
Thank you for the reply. I have made this video showing my enclosure, substrate, temps (usually higher), lighting, heating, and sizing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zYbcHE0eRE

To clarify the sizes, She came in at a little bigger than 5 inches with tail, without tail about 3 inches.

The substrate is Repticarpet, ten gallon, brown.

The Supplement I use is Flukers calcium with vitamin D3.

I feed her 3-4 times a week, and I feed her 5-6 crickets. I dust them 2 times a week.

I keep the calcium dish in the tank, but I have never seen her use it.

So the questions are: Do I need a new supplement? Do I need a new set-up? (New setup arriving Saturday) Is she healthy?

She is very active and never gets angry with me. She loves to be handled, and never fusses.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Thank you for the reply. I have made this video showing my enclosure, substrate, temps (usually higher), lighting, heating, and sizing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zYbcHE0eRE

To clarify the sizes, She came in at a little bigger than 5 inches with tail, without tail about 3 inches.

The substrate is Repticarpet, ten gallon, brown.

The Supplement I use is Flukers calcium with vitamin D3.

I feed her 3-4 times a week, and I feed her 5-6 crickets. I dust them 2 times a week.

I keep the calcium dish in the tank, but I have never seen her use it.

So the questions are: Do I need a new supplement? Do I need a new set-up? (New setup arriving Saturday) Is she healthy?

She is very active and never gets angry with me. She loves to be handled, and never fusses.

u have some temp gauges on the sides of the tank.Whats more important is the temp on the floor surface right underneath her warm hide.Ambient temps should be room temperature 72 deg and the floor surface temp underneath her hide should be between 90-95 deg.It looks like she had her tail partially detached.It looks bulbous to me.U know when u pointed out where it gets bigger is where it looks like she lost her tail.That cave on the warm end looks like it could tip over.Is that sturdy? overall with a little tweaking it looks good though.Heres how i supplement. i coat my prey with calcium every other day.i give a multivitamin powder once a week and i give them calcium with D3 once a month


Animal Addict
Yes it is very sturdy. What should I do? Do they have thermometers for the flooring? I have one heating pad set up, but I own two. Should I get rid of the light and put both heating pads in? By the way, thank you for clearing up the tail issue :)


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Yes it is very sturdy. What should I do? Do they have thermometers for the flooring? I have one heating pad set up, but I own two. Should I get rid of the light and put both heating pads in? By the way, thank you for clearing up the tail issue :)

No problem.the best thing to use is an infrared temp gun.U can get them as cheap as $25 or go to wal-mart and get a digital thermometer with the probe on it.Whatever u get u need to take a reading under his warm hide.U need to get rid of the lighting.i noticed that u have it on the warm end.Bright lights stress the leo out.If your warm end is 90-95 u dont need the lights.How big is your pad?.The pad should be on underneath the tank on only 1/3 of the tank on the warm end so your leo can thermoregulate.U shouldnt be concerned with ambient temps but what temp is under his warm end.IMO u should only use the calcium D3 once a month.Get yourself a multivitamin like MINER I or flukers multivitamin for once a week and then use straight calcium everyother day.
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Animal Addict
How would a heatpad produce enough heat? Or what other options do I have? You said the light stresses them out, so what should I use to heat?


New Member
Austin, Texas
Ok, I just skimed over this thread real quick so I'll answer some quick questions I saw. I haven't seen the video so I'm going at this 'half' blindly as I'm not sure what the video shows. My computer doesn't like youtube atm.

Your vitamins, you said you dust WITH d3...You want to get pure calcium and d3, and also a multi-vitamin.

PLEASE read the caresheets here http://geckoforums.net/articles.php?c=115 this should answer 90% of your questions, and have you have your setup correctly.

I'm not too sure how your setup is set up but you should already have an under tank heater...

Let us know AFTER you read the caresheets if you have any more questions, it should help you a lot :)

Happy Holidays!


Animal Addict
Thank you prettyinpink. I read all of those guides. I still have a few questions. 1. I have two small UTH's. The each equal about 1/3 of the cage. Should I set both up? 2. Do I really need a heat regulator? If so what does it do besides regulate the heat? 3. Since I use repticarpet, would the best way to just floor temp be an infrared heat sensor? Or is there a cheaper option? One guide mentioned taping a thermometer to an object.


New Member
Austin, Texas
I used to have reptile carpet but took it out due to problems, I have had and others have had. I use tiles...paper towels were too ugly for me and my floor temps were too hot for them.

I don't have a heat regulator atm because my heatpads don't need them. Some get hotter than others, I know Faes gets hotter than the others but only by a little bit, she might need a thermastat in the summer.

You don't have a way to measure temps? I use a temp with a probe at the end, brand name is "Acurite" (It was like $8 or $10 at Wal-Mart) it was suggested to me when I got my beardie so if you get those, you'll only need one. It'll measure the temps for you.

Hope this helped :)


Animal Addict
So should I tape the probe to the flooring? And the uth I have isn't very hot. What brand do you recommend?


Animal Addict
. This is the one I have set up, and it generates almost no heat:

I also have this one I am setting up right now:


Animal Addict
Sorry for the triple post, but this is worthy of it. I figured out why my uth wasn't heating up. My tank has a plastic base, and because of that base, my uth wasn't even touching the glass bottom. I reinstalled my 2 UTH's and almost immediately the floor was heating up. I put two thermometers. I have my hottest uth on the far left, another with less wattage near it, and no uth on the far right. Here are some pictures of my process and afterwards. If one of the UTH's gets too hot, I'm going to unplug it. Here are the pictures:

FYI, the old guy hands are my grandpas, not mine. He came up with the cardboard insulation idea. Also, the cardboard piece on the top is just keeping warm air in.

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