WTB mealworms


New Member
Oregon, IL
I'm so frustrated! We went from having too many mealworms for our leos to handle--and we were selling them to get rid of the excess--last month, to having barely enough to sustain them.

What happened? While I was at school, my sister killed off an entire colony's worth by allowing the whole container (which is roughly 2x3.5 feet in area and held over 5k mealworms..not to mention all the beetles, pupae, and eggs..) to mold over. The whole point of keeping colonies was so that we wouldn't have to buy any more. It's the holidays and I'm broke, but my babies gotta eat. I've got about enough worms for another two weeks or so, but after that they're all gone.

I really need some help here..does anyone have any mealworms for sale..cheap?

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