Yay!! eggs!! And some help please?


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
Well, i am super excited right now, because my girl, Pork Chop, is certainly gravid! the problem is, she was sold to me as a blazing blizzard het raptor, but i fail at identifying morphs so i took the breeders word for it. but now i have had multiple people tell me that she was just an albino of some sort... and after doing some research and photo comparisons, i agree. But it is too late to undo the breeding. noow i have a mislabeled pregnant gecko! I think that she is most likely tremper, but im not positive. any ideas? either way, here are some belly pics! annd btw, she was bred to a high yellow normal pos. het tremper.

The other egg is kind of on her side, so i drew an arrow to it on the second pic-



Here is mom:


and dad:

and for any who are willing to help me identify the strain of albino or anything else you spot in her, here are some eye and body pics.




thank you all so much! and i have adequete funds, space, food, money, and incubator supplies for a LOT of hatchlings at the moment, so i may breed Maverick (dad) to my SS tremper to prove him out. any input? :D


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Definitely not a blazing blizzard, definitely an albino. Where did you get her? Is there any way to find out what strains of albino the person you got her from (assuming that was the breeder) was working with?



New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
T B, actually, if i did breed her to my normal, i would get mack snows het tremper albino (and i love macks! :D ), and if he did happen to be het tremper, i would have a 50% chance of Mack trempers, and 50% chance of mack snows het tremper. (i have checked this on the genetics calculator, with people on this forum in the past, and with a leopard gecko breeder at my local reptile store today) Plus im not trying to be a BIG breeder ;) im just trying to provide nice healthy geckos to my community which is somewhat void of leo breeders (decent ones at least. plus beardies are more popular here). but if you are concerned about the babies having homes when they're older, i already have people asking me about them, and two reptile shops who have standing deals with me to buy any hatchlings i dont keep or rehome myself. :)

And Aliza, i purchased her a while ago at a local expo. sadly, i am pretty terrible at identifying morphs outside of the realm of tangs, snows (blizzards not included ;) ) , and wild-type variations, so i (unfotunately) had faith in the vendors word... he was in fact the breeder so i know who to talk to at least. i plan on confronting him at the next expo in May as i don't have his number or email adress. hopefully i will recieve some truthful answers out of him, and maybe a refund, but i doubt it... ill try to get some clearer eye pics tommorrow, but my camera is being borrowed at the moment. thank you all for your help though! any other input is super appreciated too! :D


New Member
i would get mack snows het tremper albino (and i love macks! :D ), and if he did happen to be het tremper, i would have a 50% chance of Mack trempers, and 50% chance of mack snows het tremper.

Sounds like you already have a plan. Sorry, I am new and forgot the "dominant snow" trait thingy... Good luck! :)


Ridgewood, NJ
Eye pics will at best give you a good guess at what the albino strain is but you will never know for sure unless you test breed him to know for sure which albino strain he might be or if he is more than one strain. There are some breeders out there that sell geckos based on looks and don't really understand the genetics behind those looks so you definitely have to be careful and know what you're looking for!


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
well i at least have him narrowed down to being het tremper, or nothing. the friend i got him from got him from a pretty reputable breeder around here who uses breeding colonies, and he doesnt know which girl layed the eggs: the tremper (mom) X normal (dad) , or the normal X normal pairing. so i think i will test breed him to my SS tremper, so if he proves out with her, and porkchops babies hatch as albinos, i will know she is tremper, if not... well i will have to make some complicated rehomings and toss future eggs :( but if he does turn out to be normal.. then i am going to have to wait and question the breeder in May to try and figure out her genetics from him. i will try to get clearer pictures up soon, but i am too tired right now ;) I spent all day ( 6:40 am to 9:20 pm) at school today becuase it was the opening night of a Shakespeare play that i am in! woohoo!

i just kind of hope that everyone proves out to be tremper, because that would make my life so much more easy right now! and i wish that old fashion leather boots werent so hard on your feet :p


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
ok here is an updated belly pic. is it just me, or do the eggs seem strange to be piled all in one side like that?


oh and here is the cup that i bought her in. note how its labelled:


and finally the eye pics!



thank you all in advance! and now im going to go make a thread in morphs and genetics to hopefully get more opinions :D


Michigan, USA
Assuming that cup was labeled correctly, your girl came from a blazing blizzard bred to a raptor. If this is the case, your girl should be a tremper albino het blizzard and het raptor, but she herself is not a blazing blizzard. Perhaps you misunderstood the breeder?
In my opinion, those are valuable hets. I'd suggest pairing her with a raptor, blazing blizzard, or diablo blanco for some really awesome babies.

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