Yay My AFT ate today!


New Member
Gainesboro, TN
I am new to the AFT world. I saw a local classified ad selling a 2 1/2 yr old fatty. I have been looking for a new Leo for a while and decided to check her out. The people needed money bad they sold her to me for $40 which included her, a tank, gauges, water dish one hide and uth. She was on paper towel, never saw calcium, and had not eaten in a while (luckily she was still fat!) She only had one hide. So I had to get her. The move was stressful as I had to move tanks around a few times cause I was just a little unprepared. Well anyways she just ate 7 small dusted crickets for the first time since I have had her and now notices me and watches me when I come in the room like my Leo does! I just felt like a mother watching her child takes its first step! I just had to share the good news. Hopefully she will be with me for many years!


New Member
Gainesboro, TN
I was not so sure if I was going to like her since i became so fond of Leos and I think Leos have more creative morphs since they are so popular. But I love her she is awesome! I can't choose between the two :)

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