
is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Totally a rave! After almost a month of not eating, SHE FINALLY ATE! So happy!

I'm hoping the reason why she hasn't been eating was because she was too warm and not because of ovulation afterall. I had been using a 50 watt nightglo bulb on the cool side of her tank to try and bring her out of brumation. Well it worked and for a while she seemed content and was eating. Well about a month or so ago she stopped eating. On a whim, and after checking the temperature and noticing it was like 84 (waaaay too hot), I replaced the 50 watt with her regular 25 watt. I noticed last time I tried to feed her, she did show interest, but I had to coax her a little today by squeezing some guts from the superworm and got her to lick it. From there it was smooth sailing! Temps on the cool side are now about 75 degrees!

I know many of you say not to use bulbs. I DO use a UTH on both my tanks, but because I live in a chilly basement (ambient air temps are about 68 or less), I have to use lamps to keep the temps steady in my girls' tanks. Tiamat hadn't been eating but seemed far more active than usual and only lost a few grams. I hope she continues to eat. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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