You know your addicted to reptiles...


New Member
I know im addicted b/c my 3 yr old son can pull eggs from a mama snake,mix perlite, put them in their box and into the incubator. LOL


Neo Starpphire Enigma
...when you do things for the reptile stores to earn credit to buy stuff at thier store :) will drive an hour to get the special food your reptile likes best instead of around the corner where the crickets are 'gross' have more pictures of your reptiles than you do of your family can tell people all about morphs, genetics, breeding, incubation, lifespan, substrate, heating, feeders, gutload, best places to get it/not to-and yet you cant seem to program the clock on your tv... dont understand why there are still people out there who DONT like reptiles
... your favorit and most expensive 'vacation' was to the latest repticon
... youve run out of creative names for your reptiles...well, not realy ;)
... you wait all day, trying not to bother your nocturnal gecko, and then go wait for them to emerge as soon as the sun goes down (gecko : "wtf? leave me alone already!" )
... you 'used' to be afraid of bugs, now you grab them by the handfuls
... you decide not to buy the "expensive" tank decorations and opt to make your own- end up costing you more, but your gecko is happy, right?
... it started with one tank, then one room, now your house, possibly an extension and mabe even a move to a larger place is nessisary to keep your herps happy and plentiful
... you find yourself in a common pet store, you overhear someone ask a question of one of the employees about a reptile, they start awkwardly, and you take over for them, not on purpose of course, becuse its our duty to inform everyone of every detail for the safty of the reptile...oops :rolleyes:
... you cannot go a day without talking to someone about how awesome reptiles are ;)

sorry- couldnt help it :rolleyes:


Neo Starpphire Enigma
lol i want to go to the fire reptile convention in september in florida ;) gotta save up !

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