Recent content by DLLNP

  1. DLLNP

    P. Grandis: how to avoid breeding..?

    Hello! I'm looking at getting a giant day gecko in the next few weeks. I will be setting up a good sized enclosure, about 48" x 18" x 20" so I think I should have room for more than one? Obviously two males is out of the question and from what I've read a trio of 1 male, 2 females can...
  2. DLLNP

    MRP for Day and/or Golden Geckos?

    Hello everyone! I currently have a crested gecko which I have had for since late 2007, and I am starting to get the feeling I need to had to my tiny collection I live in a small apartment... and on the budget of a university student so the fact that Jaxson (my crestie) thrives so well on CGD...