Recent content by kspiers1127

  1. kspiers1127

    Water for Gecko

    Hello! for my gecko, we usually give him basic bottled water as I feel it’s safer than tap. My fiancée recently got a case of Alkaline 9.5 pH water from the store, and just wanted to see if anyone knows if it is safe to give to my gecko?
  2. kspiers1127

    any info? (dark eye circles)

    Hello! Recently my gecko has developed dark circles in the inside of her eyes. It hasn’t been like this before. I don’t really know what this means, but to combat dehydration I’ve been giving her diluted pedialyte from a syringe. Any info would be helpful! Thanks!
  3. kspiers1127

    Gecko Advice!

    thank you so much!! your last reply was very helpful as well! After that we took him to the doctor for further evaluation (:
  4. kspiers1127

    Gecko Advice!

    Hello guys! Recently, my leopard gecko went to the vet and got put on multiple oral medications. Just reaching out to see if anyone has any tips on how to get them to open their mouths or even how to gently open without alarming them. Anything would be very much appreciated :)
  5. kspiers1127

    Leopard Gecko Wound!

    wow thank you so much!!
  6. kspiers1127


    personally, geckos do not need UVB light to survive, but from what I’ve seen, it will help improve their immune system. I’m a new parent as well and she does perfectly without one. Hope this helps!!
  7. kspiers1127

    Leopard Gecko not eating

    Hello! I have read and researched myself that sometimes reptiles can just stop liking the food they’ve been so used too. If anything I would just try switching it up to crickets or maybe even dubias. If they don’t go for those then definitely get it checked out!! Hope this helps!!
  8. kspiers1127

    Leopard Gecko Wound!

    hello! Recently my leopard gecko Thomasin scraped her arm pretty bad, but shed. So her wound has reopened. I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on what to use to cover it that’s safe for herps (:
  9. kspiers1127

    Photos Of Thomasin! (:

    Just some pictures of my sweet baby to brighten your day
  10. kspiers1127

    help me sex my gecko!

    Thanks anyway!! I’ll post another time when they get bigger ((:
  11. kspiers1127

    help me sex my gecko!

    hello! I’m new here and I’m reaching out to see if anyone can help. I’m just wondering if anyone can help me sex my leopard gecko. I’m so confused and I can’t tell