maximusx6910 Dec 1, 2009 Have you tried distilled water or saline solution? i have heard that is working for some leos.
Krow Jun 6, 2009 I like your name, from the Inheritance Trilogy right? I love the books, but the movie was very disapointing.
I like your name, from the Inheritance Trilogy right? I love the books, but the movie was very disapointing.
Saphira May 28, 2009 gotcha... we just got a bigger tank..the 20gallon..(or 30 inch) and I have to use two lights plus the uth heater for heater. the one light is the red light. the other is just a heat. but the vet told me to get a uvb too... :scatchhead
gotcha... we just got a bigger tank..the 20gallon..(or 30 inch) and I have to use two lights plus the uth heater for heater. the one light is the red light. the other is just a heat. but the vet told me to get a uvb too... :scatchhead
ARiES May 28, 2009 i use the same..ive got videos up on youtube..u should gecko 'em out! just type in leogeckoman when ur searching videos!
i use the same..ive got videos up on youtube..u should gecko 'em out! just type in leogeckoman when ur searching videos!