Our fellow GF member Jarrett is in the hospital right now fighting. Please set aside a moment of your time to say a prayer to whoever or whatever you believe in for Jarrett and his family during their turbulent time. Thank you good people of GF. ;)
I hate my crappy cell phone pics just as much as everyone else, but I couldn't resist showing off my lovely lil F1 Cremesicle Enigma, for now she is known as Tahoe Dawn. It may stick.
She has white sides and pretty good Tangerine stripes for a F1. I really love her. She is growing...
There was a post on GF not long ago where someone had won a contest. The artist was doing quick paintings (under an hour) and had posted a very nice painting of a Crested Gecko. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Can any of you point me in the right direction? I would appreciate it. Thank you in...
I have these two oddballs that hatched from my Emerine Albino x Tangerine Tornado cross. The more they develop the more they resemble Calicos to me. I'm not saying they are in fact Calicos, but they certainly do a good job impersonating them. What do you all think? Euro people could you give me...
I recently received my Amel AFTs from Pat Kline of Luxurious Leopards. I'm not too handy with a camera, but here are some shots I took today of them.
Rameses I (who refused to stay on the stage lol)
I couldn't be happier with these two. Thanks again, Pat.
Today I picked up an awesome male RAPTOR from a local breeder named Charlton Kangas of Kangas Kritters. I couldn't be happier. He is the perfect example of what a RAPTOR should be IMO. So without further delay, I introduce Attila!
He has white front legs and solid red eyes! I love it. Thanks...
These are the most recent pictures of Fearsome White Tiger, my Enigma het Diablo Blanco. He is turning out really nice. He has a lot of green on the top of his head, but the camera doesn't catch it well. His head is a bit dirty in the pic. He had some peat moss on it. I apologize for the huge pics.
After a long wait, today I found my first two Tremper Albino Snows het RAPTOR staring back at me when I peered into the incubator. They were hiding under a napkin and when I took the napkin away they were like this...
Here is the first one, keep in mind that most of these are getting ready to shed...
The second one...
has the most carrot coming in on it's tail.
The next one was a real surprise...
a Lavender Jungle.
The next one went back to Tangerine, and has a good amount of green coming in...
then the...
Here is Tahlia's sister...
She has some Tangerine spots on her head...
and Tangerine along her sides.
My cousin Kris says, "I like the one's with blue on their eyes lika Mexican ladies." :main_laugh:
My lack of faith in the Easter Bunny cost me. A few hours later I was rewarded handsomely. I am proud to announce... Smokey and The Bandit!
More of Smokey...
More of The Bandit...
My first temperature sexed male MSS and SE!
Sorry for the poor picture quality. These were taken with a phone. I resized them in Photobucket, but it seems it didn't work. This is "Indira" (Sanskrit for beauty). (S)he is from a LBS x Mack Snow Enigma cross. At birth she was completely white and not long after she developed one spot in the...
This thread is a timeline of news and entertainment. It is a place for us to discuss world news, new movie releases, reality television, music concerts, new game releases, and any and all other forms of entertainment that we enjoy.
I am supposed to receive a new gecko today. I've been up since bright and early this morning because whenever I am expecting a delivery, even when its just meal worms, I can hardly sleep. Apparently I missed the delivery somehow. They had my phone number but never attempted to use it. I live...
of a natural deterrent for ants? One of my tubs was raided by ants. It was only one tub and all of my Leos are safe. I want to nip the problem in the bud without poison of any sort. Luckily ants aren't the smartest creatures. There was a bin full of crickets right next to the rack, they didn't...
Let me begin by saying how much I love GeckoForums.net and the hobby as a whole. That having been said, there is something that has been bothering me. It has to do with the tone some people take with others. Everyone has, and is entitled to, an opinion. If you disagree with something that...
Is it somewhat common for Leos to have heart shaped markings on their noses? I don't imagine that it is specific to my group, I'm just trying to gauge it's commonality. At first I thought my Emerine male was the cause, but it has appeared in my Snows too. The two offspring from the Emerine that...
I've been noticing posts about different types of cancer in Leos. To those of you that have been affected by this, I have a question. Do you use Vermiculite as a hatching medium? Vermiculite can contain asbestos, which is known to cause cancer. If this is a common factor in your cases we may...