
  1. Q

    My juvenille leopard gecko eating crickets

  2. B

    Baby Leopard Gecko - Need some advice please!

    Hey Everyone! Myself and my partner have an adolescent leopard gecko called Yoko and we have had her about 10 months now and she is doing excellent and we enjoy having her :). So naturally when one of our friends said that he had been given 2 baby leopard geckos but he could not look after them...
  3. R

    Baby Leopard Gecko

    Hi, so I have a baby leopard gecko & i'm kind of worried about him. He hasn't eaten since I got him.. The woman at pet co told me to feed him wax worms, but with my old gecko, I never fed him wax worms... just mealworms. My question is, what should I feed him & is this not eating bs normal? lol...
  4. L

    How many?

    How many crickets do you feed a leo? So I heard its good for leos to have live insects for them to kill... But how many do you feed them? If you put to many crickets in they will kill the gecko!!!!!!! Also do you just put them in the food bowl for them to eat? Please reply to my quistions!
  5. K

    Crested Gecko and 1st time reptile owner

    This is my first time caring for a reptile, and i want everything to go smoothly. I noticed that she has not eaten any crickets in the past three days. Is there any good ways to get her comfortable with this so she will eat them?