I woke up this morning and my very healthy 5 to 6 month year old leopard gecko had her head pointed up with her eyes closed kind of looking like she was gagging, but I also looked at videos of puking geckoes and that’s definitely not what she was doing she seemed very uncomfortable. She did it...
My leopard gecko is 10 months old and has been eating as normal up until an about a month ago and since then he hasn’t eaten much other than 1-3 locusts every few days. He hasn’t lost any visible condition and I weighed him today and he weighed 91g. Almost every time I offer him food he tries to...
Hello -
I am new to having a Leopard Gecko. I have had one since September. I have done a lot of research and asked a lot of questions from people that would know more than me about having a leopard gecko as a pet. The Gecko has always slid across his habitat when walking, but it seems as...
What is this on my Leopard Geckos mouth? I'm so worried because I did some researching and the only results came in with Mouth Rot. I'm not sure because it looks really hard to be mouth rot compared to other images. Please help.
I think I messed up BIG TIME. My leopard gecko didn't have a heat lamp or uvb until today (I'm not entirely sure how much uvb the repti basking lamp from zoo med provides), and she doesn't look well. She's not eating, and I've tried force feeding. She's shedding okay, but I worry I've done...
Hi! i have an aft who has sort of an eating problem. i’ve had him for about a year now and for the first 6 months he was eating great. then when he hit about a year old he just stopped eating. i was giving him a variety of bugs including crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. he wouldn’t eat any of...
I haven’t been able to find any information on how to health check a crestie, as well as check the health of a bio active enclosure. Can you guys help me out? Do keep in mind, they are a juvenile.
I've had two baby crested geckos for a while now, set up in a bioactive enclosure with sprngtails, a fogger, cork bark and live plants. Recently when I've been putting their food (repashy) into their tank I've noticed these small black mites in the repashy. The two cresties are in perfectly good...
I hope you guys can help ;-;
I'm having trouble with my little baby crestie. He isn't very thrifty and he keeps getting stuck shed on his toes. I have been helping him with his toes successfully but now I've noticed that the end of his tail is stiff and kind of crusty looking. I thought it was...
One of my leopard geckos escaped last night (quite literally pushed through a tiny foam piece that covers a small opening in her tank - which is smaller than her body so i don’t even know how she got out), and we found her this morning with her tail dropped and a tiny cut on her side. I have 3...
I'm a new owner of two baby cresties. They are eating amazingly well and I have had them for a little over a week now. I decided to try a really short handling session with them both. One took to it well and let me hand walk it for a minute then got put back in. The other decided to hurl...
I picked up my leopard gecko and noticed it was expelling a piece of sphagnum moss. After working it out, she has been dragging her legs when walking but if I put her on my shoulder she seems to be able to move her tear legs. I read somewhere that constipation/impaction might cause this. Just...
I am a first time reptile owner, and have a leopard gecko. They are for sure less than a year old and the guess is approx 4-6 months.
It has been eating and seemingly behaving normally—sleeps most of the day, sometimes comes out, switches from warm to cool hide and vise versa, is active...
My adult male leapord gecko has been licking his vent constantly. I have been giving him baths and was examining his vent today and found some dried skin that I removed. I also saw this red irritated bump and I’m not quite sure what’s going on or what to do. Any help much appreciated.
Hi I am new here and I wanted others advice and help on my leopard gecko. I owned my leopard gecko for about 3 years now and I have always thought it was a male until recently. About 2 weeks ago my leopard gecko refused to eat. It wouldnt take my gut loaded meal worms so i brought out the wax...
Hello! So a few months ago (4) I bought my second Leopard Gecko and they randomly squeal? It’s not chirping or barking or screaming so I have no idea why. Just random little squeals for a few seconds and when I check on them they’re just chilling so I don’t know if I should be worried?
Dear forum users,
I am a new licensed owner of two beautiful Australian Velvet Geckos.
I am not sure either are doing 100%, however one especially does not look very well.
I have attached some photos for your reference.
His skin is not in a good way and it has been like that for at least 2...