HELP!!!!I found millions of these tiny bugs (that are so small they look like specks of dirt in photos but I swear they crawl) all over my Leos enclosure today while changing the substrate and I have no clue what they are or how to get rid of them. I have currently got all his hides, rocks...
A week ago I noticed my white girl has lost a lot of tail fat recently. She lives with a yellow girl, that one has a nice plump tail. She's been hiding a lot before that, but had excellent appetite for months. I switched over to Argentinian cockroaches from Turkestan cockroaches about 10 days...
I built this enclosure for either a Crested or Gargoyle Gecko that I will be obtaining at an expo soon, is there any glaring issues with it?
The dimensions are 18x18x36
The light is 5uvb.
I put clear plastic panels on the sides to keep humidity in.
Hey everyone, I’m new to the forum, just hopping on to ask a question.
I was cleaning my crested gecko’s enclosure today and noticed this abnormality in one of his eyes.
It looks like his pupil has somehow expanded or broken somehow as it is rectangle instead of the regular sharp ovalish shape I...
Joe is just under a year old and is a Mediterranean House Gecko. He eats and drinks just fine but I noticed a big lump on the base of his spine the other day. Any ideas what it might be? He is on a diet of small crickets and I ordered Zilla’s Vitamin Supplement spray in case it has to do...
Hi everyone my leapord geckos has been having some black spots appear on her stomach and she’s been sluggish and her eyes are half closed this happened out of nowhere she has good bedding so it shouldn’t be a bedding problem. I’ve had her for 8 years so she’s 13 she was in some back condition...
I've had my leopard gecko for 10 years. A couple months ago, she started losing weight in her tail, and around a month ago it got to the point where it was a lot of weight lost and she was barely eating (still pooping though). She hasn't been especially lethargic, although she sleeps basically...
Hello Everyone my name is Tyler I currently have 5 Leo's and I am wanting to figure out what a couple of them are. I bought one from a breeder so I know what she is and I have a diablo blanco. The other three im not fully sure about. I was told my first one I got was a bell albino tangerine. I...
I have a giant leopard gecko who is turning 3 this year. I went on a vacation for a week and left him with my brother. When I got back I noticed some kind of growth under his tail. He hasn't eaten anything in the 3 days I've been back. Can someone please tell me what this is? I can't afford a...
Hi there I have already posted this I think but not showing up so here it is again hopefully this shows up
Hi everyone I have a leopard gecko about 9 months old it's eyes look absolutely fine but he acts like he caRnt see he is licking air licking walls constantly walking into walls and getting...
Alright so we got my daughters leopard gecko, Cherry Blossom, in August. She was labeled as a hypo bell albino. I’m not going to lie I’m a little confused by what each morph means… I assume albino bell is the coloration of her, and hypo is the pattern or lack thereof.
but I’m also not sure how...
Let me start by saying this is Lilo! Lilo is about 8 months and I've had her since the beginning of March. She belonged to my uncle along with her sibling, he didn't play with them much and only fed them crickets, no crested gecko diet or anything like that. He dusted crickets every other day...
Hi there! I work at a local pet store and we got some fan footed geckos. Recently a new employee (who no longer works for us now) decided it would be a great idea to step away while cleaning the fan footed gecko enclosure and leave the cover off. One of our geckos escaped and ran behind our wall...
My leo is young and I recently got her from a local pet store. (In hindsight now it is a pretty shady place). She we doing very well for the 3 months I've had her. But for the past few days she was acting lethargic and her tail was turning slightly more purple over time and got seemingly thinner...
How do i stop my gecko from being sooo scared of me and stop her from running away?? And its not like its easy to get her back to her enclosure it seems like she hates it. she always hide in a hard to reach spaces☹️☹️☹️its so frustrating...
Its a leopard gecko btw
Hi I created this account because I need help, I used hot glue all over a dowel and glued fake plants to it for my gecko and she’s very flighty and it scared her to put it in but after I put it in I realized that hot glue needs 24 hours to cure, it is completely dry and I finished it hours ago...
I'm rather new to the reptile community, and i want to be 100% sure about everything before getting a leopard gecko.
I know they need calcium, D3 and multivitamins. But if they're getting D3 from the powder i sprinkle on the food, do they also need UVB lights? Isn't UVB just another source of...
Hi all,
i’m back again and i was wondering if this is just a piece of the hide my gecko was in or if this came out of her? it wasn’t on her when i saw it, it was just near her. Thank you so much for reading
p.s i am a hypochondriac, so when it comes to my baddie i am especially paranoid
Hi :) been meaning to join the forum for a long time but finally caved now Ive been faced with a conundrum! I’ve had my leopard gecko, Walnut, for exactly a year on the 10th of December and I’ve not been worried about him until this point... the thing is that he’s stopped pooping altogether...