Hi! I've had my female leopard gecko for about 9 years now. She's always been happy and healthy, until now. For about a couple months her tail hasn't been able to gain weight at all. Her belly is not skinny, just her tail. I repeat, her body is rather fat, but her tail is abnormally skinny. She...
Hi everyone,
Ive had my leo for nearly a month now, hes only a baby baby (2.5 months/3 months). He's had shedding problems since day 1 due to poor husbandry where he was kept before but hes getting much better. Is this shed in his eye or is it another issue?? Please help
Hi my leopard gecko Bella has been losing weight recently and her tail has become thinner and her abdomen has become larger, she is pooping fine, so I am worried that there are eggs, she has never laid eggs before and I’m worried as I can’t actually tell if it’s eggs.
Any help would be much...
First picture is my lepored gecko from July 5th 2018 second is from January 23 2020. He has not grown much. He did lose a bit of his tail when he was only a few weeks old so idk of that has much effect on his stunt. He does not eat much compared to my other geckos even the one I got almost at...
So, I got a perfectly healthy year old leo about 2 weeks ago. A few days ago he started getting dull, but he hasn't shed. How long does pre shed last for leopard geckos? Have I done something wrong for my boy? Please help, I love him so much
Hey! I have a 10 gallon tank right now but am going to be quickly getting a 40. Should I get 2 leos? (Both females, of course) Or just stick w/ 1? Will they be stressed in a tank that big? What you think???
She’s laid eggs before, which actually hatched yesterday, and then laid another egg yesterday within hours of the first ones hatching. When she laid the first eggs she laid them together. I’m worried that she might be egg bound. Does anybody have any suggestions or any info at all that could...
Hey everyone,
So my one crested gecko I bought about a week and a half ago won't eat the Pangea food mix or the other food that I bought it. I try holding him and holding the bowl by him and I also try putting some on my finger and holding it in front of it but that doesn't work. Any...