Hi guys I have 6 female leopard geckos in a custom tank I'm having 10 max later on and I have natural coconut fiber as sub and :main_laugh: I been talking to leopardgecko on YouTube and she has helped a lot I have natural meal worms breeding in the tank geckos hunt crickets that are born in the twnk and soon adding Dubai roachs to breed I will post pictures soon any questions on a bio active tank for leopard geckos plz ask thanks I also have 2 heat mate 1 heat lamp and a full cook side 2.5 feet long hot and cold /)
Yes I'm looking for some good plants but don't wanna take up so much space cause since I'm getting 4 more females or maybe 1 male and 3 don't wanna take up space I do have a live vine in the tank tho and the picture is picture of the tank it's so big it gets cut off
Yes but don't wanna take up so much space also I have a vine you know any plants that will work for a dry spot ? Trying to make a grass land theme tou know what I mean with rockys and etc 3)