2011er Rasselbande


New Member
I start late this year, so here the first pic...

There are Bell Blood Enigma, Diablo Blanco, Tremper Giant poss het DB, Cremesickle cross, W&Y cross...

More pics from Giant Eclipse, W&Y Tremper X Tangelo... coming soon :D

Best regards



New Member
north east ohio
nice geckos!!! i am really into the white and yellow stuff, i am getting alot of eggs from breeding my W&Y sunglow male to diff females, keep us posted on your W&Y stuff. PM me if you want, I recectly have been talking to Matt Baronek and he has told me ALOT of interesting and exciting things about the W&Y, and he has worked with these more than anyone in North America...so i think he understands them the most...he answered ALOT of questions, and clarified ALOT for me...these ARE gonna be HUGE once more people understand how this gene works, and affects different charicteristics...i now know most of the history of this morph, and have seen some AMAZING white and yellow animals that Matt has, and HE is the man when it comes to both the white and yellow and the marble eye morphs. i think me and Matt are gonna become GREAT friends and he is teaching me ALOT about how this gene works, and i have some great ideas as far as my white and yellow. i plan on getting Bell white and yellows, as well as Rainwater white and yellows from Matt...plus a non het "pure" white and yellow....the white and yellow, and marble eyes are my two main focus points on my breeding projects! the future is gonna be smoking in the leopard gecko community with these two morphs...i promise you that! and to all the haters and doubters, give it some time...i think you will totally change your minds, and if not...oh well, because i can assure you that these two morphs are going to blow peoples minds!!!


New Member
I´ve got all my W&Y informations from Karsten Grießhammer...
Matt has a lot of nice stuff!!!!!!!

A pic form my W&Y Tremper female , I breed her with my Tangelo male

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