400 Pound Python Siezed


New Member
Its a witch hunt.. your completely right.. The snake was extremely well taken care of! Ugh.. people who dont know about things.. idk.. There were a couple of good comments, about what should of been done I agree with them for the most part.. about given the owner a chance to fix the enclosure. And about people reacting to fears.
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K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Well, its no secret that FL F&W bully alot of fishermen, hunters and pet owners alike. Notice that on all the other reports of animals being siezed, they always mention the snakes weren't microchipped or registered. That was never mentioned in this case.
I hope and pray that everything turns out well for this man and that "The Pet Nazis" have to make a formal and very public apology.


New Member
having owned burms and retics between 16 and 20 feet, I can tell you that animal was health, tame and NO WAY WAS IT 300 POUND, let alone 400 POUNDS


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Wow. I cant believe they would seize a pet, just because of a complaint. Oh wait, I live in Fl. Yea I can >.< lol. But still, its unbelievable that F&W want to deem who can be responsible for owning pets. This snake looks well taken care of and well kept! What the hell was the problem? Neighbors were afraid of snakes or something? geesh.


New Member
NE Ohio
I have no issue with people keeping these animals as pets. My only issue is that they may not have had it contained properly. The officials will be the ones to determine that. I got to see some of the large snake species up close at Anaheim, and some of them were absolutely beautiful. It sounds like they were feeding it properly, so I doubt missing puppies would have been an issue unless it did escape for an extended period of time. Once again I think there are people who don't know that expect the worst and sensationalize things.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
having owned burms and retics between 16 and 20 feet, I can tell you that animal was health, tame and NO WAY WAS IT 300 POUND, let alone 400 POUNDS

Oh, but, Paul! 400 pounds sound so much more terrifying that 200 pounds! Can't they embelish, just a leetle!
Quite honestly I think they've done quite enough embelishing. So much so they wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit them on the butt.

In today's news:
This just in from Fox 13 News:
An 11 foot female Red Tail Boa was captured off Derby Lane in Tampa. According to the trapper, he had been tracking this girl for 8 months.

Now... Boas are not on the ROC list. This girl was MASSIVE. And in the wake of the snake hysteria, how long will it be, now that people have seen how big a boa can get, that they'll be added to the ROC list?
And isn't that just an amazing coincidence that a big boa is found the day after another python is confiscated?
I'm calling The Chewbacca Defense. It just doesn't make any sense!
This is BS! These are staged sightings designed to get the public riled up!


New Member
I was in tampa a few days before Daytona and my uncle showed me an image of a "what I estimated to be " 18-19 foot burm crossing the road infront of his complex..... nearly 2 complete lanes long .

Feral snakes are indeed ruining the ecosystem and balance of nature, but thier is no logic to punishing everyone for a few people's foolish acts or mother nature throwing a storm at FL that causes feral animals.


New Member
oh sorry... I will try not to turn the lights on in the future. I forgot that most people are in the dark about the non manmade causes .


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
The poll on the article are obvious signs that people just don't get, that keeping snakes or any reptile for that matter is as just as rewarding as keeping a cute and lovable furry critter...

Would you have called the authorities about this python?
Yes 84%
No 9% (obviously my vote)
I'm not sure 7%


New Member
North Carolina
I am of two minds about this. I agree that chain link fence is no way to keep a huge snake. The possibility of that snake getting loose and hunting and killing other people's animals or God forbid children is two high. I hate to see stories of ignorant pet owners losing a child to an animal simply because they don't enclose it correctly.
BUT.. and its a big but. Obviously this man was taking excellent care of this snake and had its best interest at heart. Yet he is being punished. It is truly sickening. I believe if he encloses the area for the snake that would be at least more difficult to escape from he should get it back.
You are darned if you do and darned if you don't!!!! At least in Florida.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
And that why we'll be heading up to your neck of the woods soon, Alaina.
I've heard NC is one of the most herp friendly states in the lower 48 and besides, I have two beautiful grandsons in desperate need of spoiling in Mooresville! ;)


I have many red tails and have had a 13ft burm. As long as they are well taken care of then i don't see the issue and it pisses me off!! in my theory if you dont like my snake either move or don't complain. i took my little 4 ft Bolivian who is unbelievably tame out on the beach and an officer told me i had to take her home because there were no pets allowed. but yet there were 3 mean ass pit bulls out on the beach reaking havoc but they didn't have to go home! tell me how fair that is and i live in NY!!


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Their "reasoning" behind stuff like that here is "Reasonable expectations."
Anyone can take their dog out in public, but unless it is within a reasonable expectation to see that type of animals in public, I can't have mine out.

Get this, though! I cannot take any of my animals, except iguanas to the beach or a park. Because iguanas have become commonplace enough its within reason to see them in public.

Who makes up these things???

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