4th ER visit in as many months...


I'm baaaaaack!
Paul is kind of accident prone.

...but they were able to save my left thumb, which is good. :main_thumbsup:

Hi Vicodin, it's nice to meet you.


I'm baaaaaack!
I was cutting open this box with one of those carpet blades (because I still had it out from two weeks ago) and slipped.

I've never seen such a short cut (about 1.5" long) open up so wide. I could see things in my hand I didn't know were there. I went to CareNow, but they took one look at it and said, "whoa, yeah... we're not gong to be able to stitch that up. You cut through way into the muscle and may have severed nerves and ligaments." They made me drive over to the real hospital's ER. All in all, it ended up taking just shy of five hours to get 10 stitches in my hand once they got the bleeding under control.

Since I cut the muscle so deep, my left hand is utterly useless and will be for quite a while I guess. I can type, but I can't pick up or grip anything because... well my thumb just don't work. Given how bad the arthritis has gotten in my right hand, I'd say I'm pretty well handicapped.

Oh, and I'm not supposed to drive (yeah right) so I might be able to use this as an excuse to not go to my cousin's wedding or Thanksgiving next week!

...and I was doing SO well at updating my website. :( Taking pictures with only one functioning hand sucks.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI

Two weeks ago I drove myself to the emergency care center around the corner to have my finger looked at after a rat bit all the way to the bone..... I thought that was bad! Damn Paul..... be careful man!!

Hope you have a speed recovery!!!!!


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
man, that sucks, I pretty much cut off my right thumb and they fixed it after a few hours of this and that and well it will never be the same, who cares, it works. Funny thing is when it happened, all i wanted was a bandaid, Rodney had to force me to go to the ER and when they said surgeon I screamed no, then they opened it up and I just puked and said OK lol


I'm baaaaaack!
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Paul, this is a GREAT excuse to come to California.
LOL! I'll save some of the vicodin for the plane ride. ;)

dragonflyreptiles said:
man, that sucks, I pretty much cut off my right thumb and they fixed it after a few hours of this and that and well it will never be the same, who cares, it works. Funny thing is when it happened, all i wanted was a bandaid, Rodney had to force me to go to the ER and when they said surgeon I screamed no, then they opened it up and I just puked and said OK lol

Normally I'm never squeamish, but seeing that gaping hole in MY hand made me a little woozy. It's good I didn't pass out because it would have kept bleeding.

"Tis but a flesh wound!"


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Gaping hole in your own body are alwys a cause for a woozy fest, I can deal with a lot of blodo as long as its not mine lol

I hope you heal Ok! It will take years for the scar to fade and even then its kinda ugly, well, mine is anyway :(


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
I am close to passing out just thinking about it! YUCK!!!!!

Does this mean you won't be coming down to Houston next weekend? :( It's ok if you can't, I will understand.


I'm baaaaaack!

I do not have a driver's license and neither WI nor TX will give me one. No reason really, other than I moved and own vehicles. TX would have given me one if I didn't own vehicles, but since I do, they wouldn't give me a TX driver's license. WI won't give me one because I have TX car insurance. WTF? How the hell am I supposed to drive home?


Today was the day to remove my stitches per doctor's orders. I started taking them out only to realize that the cut didn't heal properly. Basically, the stitches didn't work and it's just gaping open again. I did EVERYTHING they told me to do as far as taking care of my hand. When my mom looked at them, she said she didn't think they looked like they were put in very well, and that there should have been more of them for that length cut. I guess it's a really big deal and I need to get in to see a specialist about potential surgery / skin graft options. Soon.

I swear to God if anything actually goes RIGHT or SMOOTHLY for me sometime in the next two months, I'll probably be so damn shocked I'll have another heart attack.

:eek: :main_angry: :main_rolleyes:


New Member
Central California
Oh Paul! I hope your hand heals up soon! That just sucks! :main_no:

As for the driver's license - I know that in reality it would totally suck not to be able to drive, but not driving around in circles all day long does sound appealing to me at this point! You have to love the logic behind denying you a driver's license, though. Absolute GENIUSES we have making these decisions.:main_thumbsdown:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Wow, that really sucks about your stitches. I hope they get it fixed this time! Can you get liability insurance on one of your cars in WI and go get your DL? They don't have to know that you really live in Texas now do they? It's weird that you're having such a hard getting a TX license. I got my Motorcycle license after answering 60% of 14 questions correctly. Scary....

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