5 lined skink keeping


New Member
palmetto FL
Ive been doing some looking around and after bobs little picture of a SE 5 lined i was wondering about their general care. I did some digging already but have reached a TON of contradiction. Aside from that theres the idea of obtaining one, obviously we have them in a decent abundence around here, but I dont want to commit a terrible crime by collecting a wild one if thats the general mentaility(In other words, whats the thought on WC). They are such intresting lil critters and i have been looking for my next reptile.

Some sources say they are highly adjustable to temps, but id assume that a WC would be better off being kept at local temps. Theres plenty of sites that say they do fine on papper, others say they perffer soil for digging. Feeding, supplimentation and the works of it all. I do supers obviously so would i have to start a diffrent food source(BTW, got my first super alien today!!). I know the issues that accompony any WC animal including the need for absolute QT. If anyone has an idea of where they can be obtained already in captivity thatd be nice, and then heating method. I hear they are a basking species.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I'm not sure of a good source for them but I would set them up in a more natural type setup with a nice basking area with lots of flat rocks stacked up as well as a humid area where they can dig. UV light is a must of course. I've always liked 5 lined skinks.


New Member
palmetto FL
Around natural for them seems to be semi arboreal. They are all over the trees and branches, so id probably do a nice flatrock enclosure with some root/branches for them to hang around on. I hear a Humid hide/burrow is a must. Thanks for the clearing on the UV, would you say that lighting is good enough for them or should UTH be put to use. Ive read they like a basking area in the 90s but the hot side in general should be lower 80s. If its needed ill use a smaller UTH with a dimmer as not to overheat.

To be even more specific, The fallowing is what ive read on atleast 4 caresheets including one from feildherping

""Maintain the "hot" side of the tank as close to 80 degrees as possible. Provide a basking spot directly under the heat lamp and maintain the temperature there at 110 degrees. The "cool" side of the tank should be maintained at around 72 degrees."

That is one heck of a basking temp. Im assuming a 20gal tank and a heatlamp+ a UTH would be needed for this.
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