Wonderful boas!! My first snake was a boa and they will always be one of my absolute favorites - they are just so beautiful! :smitten: I wish I had space for them!
I love Boas, I try and keep my adult females between 6-7ft and males between 4-5ft. You can keep a 6-7ft female comfortably in a 4X2 cage and males in 3X2 enclosure or tubs. I feed my females appropriately depending whether they are babies, yearlings, sub-adults, breeding, gravid, gave birth or just on average. On average my adult females get a Jumbo (400-450g) rat every two weeks, the male get no larger than a medium (150-200g) rat every two weeks. I don't feed them weekly and don't feed them rabbits or multiple meals. Boas should not be overfed, pushed to grow or fat. I find healthier, well muscled 6-7ft females also make better breeders, they recover faster. Also smaller, lean males make better breeders Vs large/couch potato males..LOL
Here are some pics of the breeding/birth/baby process:
Rarely do they exceed 7-8ft, but yes they can reach 10ft. But, as mentioned you can control growth to an extent by controlling their diet.
If you feed a 3yr old female boa once it moves up to Jumbo rats from Large, one Jumbo rat every 2 weeks for example. It's growth rate will slow down considerably. After the 3rd year their growth rate slows down naturally anyways compared to the 1st and 2nd year. It won't grow as much and by feeding it right, it won't get as large or obese/fat. I've had and have known 10-15yr old female boas that were just 6.5-8ft long. Now, take that same 3yr old female boa and feed it 2 Jumbo rats weekly, then bump it up to rabbits and sure you could end up with a 10ft Boa within 5-7yrs.
Most people tend to overfeed their snakes. Some do it on purpose to get them to breeding size faster. This is not healthy and shortens the life of the snake.
My males only get a medium rat every two weeks as adults. I never bump them up to Jumbos or even Large rats.
You've got an awesome collection of boas! I've always admired motleys and have always thought about getting into a small project with some kind of boa morphs. Nice cages too!:main_thumbsup: