A few questions about our gecko


New Member
New Hampshire
Ok so i have a few questions about our little gecko - "ecko". The main thing that prompted this post is that ecko was eating about 8-10 mealworms per day since we brought him home 2 weeks ago. Then a couple days ago he only ate a few, and the past 36 hours or so he hasnt eaten at all. Now i have read alot on here that geckos going off food for short periods is somewhat normal, but wanted to ask some questions anyway. First, he has shed twice in the two weeks we've had him the last time was this past tuesday morning. He gets his shed off well. I know that they sometimes eat less when they are about to shed. How often do they tend to shed? Hes about 10 grams so obviously growing alot.

Next question..... the room he is in is never fully dark. We have a pellet stove in there on the opposite side of the room and it glows all night providing the room with light. Not bright, but i can see in the room fine with all lights out. Could this be affecting our gecko and maybe causing him not to eat?

Also, the temps can fluctuate quite a bit depending how cold it is out or windy...our house is an old 1870's new englander. The hot side always stays between 88-95 but can swing up and down through that range. Cold side is never below 70. Temps measured with a probe on the floor.

So what do you all think.....am i just being an overly sensitive new owner or do i need to make some changes?

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Sullivan, MO
First off there is no such thing as a "overly sensitive" owner. They are your babies. But my Leo always has some sort of additional light whether it be a night light or a hall light and mine do fine. They still are very active.

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New Member
New Hampshire
So it appears i was being a nervous nelly. Ecko had a few meal worms tonight and was out and about alot. Anyone have any more thoughts on my lighting? Sounds like it is ok though?

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Sullivan, MO
ive noticed that everyones light preference is different. I personally use a blue and red light setup. I run both all day and turn off the blue light at nite and just use the red. Ive talked to a few people that said they use a standard kitchen light.


New Member
New Hampshire
Ya i have a lamp next to his tank with a red bulb in it. I was more concerned that the room is never dark. There is always some light

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New Member
Kirin's area is never totally dark... he has light til about 930pm from the beardie tank in the same room, and his infrared light is on at night (and since the house is drafty, a lot of times, all day as well)... he just gets in a hide if he wants dark.

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