a nice RAPTOR


Ghetto Gecko

I got this girl from Ron Tremper. She has a nice degree of weird striping. I have been breeding her to a Luxurious Leopard male HYBINO het Raptor I have and she just started laying her eggs. I am looking to make some killer raptors with Pats male and this female. Thanks for looking. Mike Panichi

Ian S.

Active Member
Beautiful Gecko!
I agree as well, on the super snow pattern.
Good luck with the pairing. Sounds like you can't go wrong.

Ghetto Gecko

thanks Pat

she was a little pricey but I thought it would pay off in the long run. I bred her to your outstanding male Hybino het Raptor and she gave me her first clutch of eggs already. Your male is unbelievable. My camera doesnt pick up yellow well but he is really nice. He topped out around 82 grams so he's nice and big. I took a shot of him next to a reptile relief bottle for comparison. Thanks again for all of your advice. Your geckos are beautiful. I am waiting(any day) for the last of your females to drop her clutch and I will have once clutch from each female in the oven. I was going to incubate the first three clutches from all of the females for male and the rest for female. Do you think that is overkill? Thanks alot. Mike Panichi

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