A pretty common question


Tiny chibi

I'm not really sure where to post this but...
I get asked this question alot by other people, so I thought I'd ask you guys it.

What got you into keeping reptiles?


is a pirate
Niagara Falls, NY
i was interning at the zoo, and the hospital was included in my area, there was a female leopard gecko in there for having shed stuck on her toes, she was there for a little while and i learned all about their husbandry and stuff and i fell in love. i got Eliza shortly after she went back on exhibit. then my boyfriends sister gave him a bearded dragon that she got from her mother inlaw (they didnt take care of him). then i saw Eval in a store a while later with his funny looking tail and couldnt resist :) now i want every leo i see and i really really want a crestie but dont have the time/money or space right now. so yea. thats my story :D


New Member
Miami, FL
The doctor I work for asked me to "baby-sit" his herps when he went away for a week... and after I walked in I found one of the most gorgeous Eastern Indigos i've ever seen in my life, 5 cute little normal leos, 3 Carpet Pythons, a Brazilian Rainbow Boa, some kind of Tarantula, and a GIANT can of crickets...that was it. I was hooked...so now I (jokingly) blame everything "herp-related" on him.:main_laugh:


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
I've pretty much always loved all animals since I was a little kid. My parents always encouraged my passion - we used to always take trips to the zoo and the local science museum, and one of my favorite presents was a subscription to ZooBooks. When I got older, I went to summer camp at the science museum, and then since I'd attended for so many years, they let me start the docent program a year early when I was only 12. That was my first experience really working with reptiles as well as many other different exotics and wild animals.


New Member
I've loved animals since I was little and was always out catching salamanders and things. I'm allergic to fur and feathers so reptiles were the natural choice. Though I have kept a few fuzzies as well.


New Member
Oregon, IL
I come from a family of animal lovers, but, aside from my sister's turtle "Miss Shell" (michelle, get it? lol.) reptiles were really the only pet we never kept. And no one really ever had the desire to. We've had a lot of fish, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, dogs, birds, etc, but no reptiles.

One of my ex boyfriends kept amphibians for a LONG time and wanted to try something different. He was looking into reptiles, but hadn't gotten any yet.

I decided that for Christmas I'd get him a lizard. So I searched through copious amounts of books/internet sites looking for just the right one.

I found a leopard gecko and fell in love. I bought her without thinking. Just one click of the mouse and 150$ was transferred out of my bank account. Immediately after, I looked at every care sheet in existence on the internet and concluded that the pet store wouldn't have a clue what I needed, so not to buy sand or a UV light. That day I went to (a pet store) and bought all of the supplies I knew I'd need: 20gal tank, heat pad, hides, dishes, spray bottle, critter keeper (for the food), mealies, crix, etc.

When she arrived, I knew right away I wouldn't be giving her to my boyfriend. She was MINE. She had the sweetest little temperament and the most adorable face. My mom thought I was crazy and was none-too-pleased to learn I'd have a reptile AND a bunch of bugs in the house.

The way this story ends, is a few months later I broke up with the beaux, kept the gecko, and got into a breeding project a few years later. Things went well, but when I went away to school, I had to get rid of most of my pets. The only one I kept was the girl I started with, and she had to stay at home.

Now, 5 years after my first gecko, I am slowly building a new collection of them, and I'm trying my hand at breeding all over again :)
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Pasadena, CA
I've always had pets, but I only got into herps a little while ago (except for an unfortunate two month period when I was 12 and had two anoles in a critter keeper). For the last few years, I've been really into fish, but I've had to break down a lot of my tanks because my sister moved in with us and there just wasn't enough room.

I got her the first gecko as a birthday present. The love blossomed after that. Herp tanks are easier to keep because they are not nearly as heavy and you don't have to worry about water damage on the furniture. It's also nice to be able to hold a pet instead of just looking at them all the time.

There is also something very comforting about knowing that your pet is going to live a very, very long time (like my new box turtles). I crave consistancy. Now I know that whatever happens, I'll never be completely alone.

Dan K.

New Member
new hampshire
Honestly I got my first snake because my room mate hated them got it just so he'd move out been hooked ever since. I know sad and petty.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Honestly I got my first snake because my room mate hated them got it just so he'd move out been hooked ever since. I know sad and petty.

I understand...can't speak for everyone else, but I've had my share of roommates I just wanted out


My Teacher recommend it to me , i ahve researched about leopard gecko before like 2 year ago when my teacher told me about her pet gecko. i thought it would be cute , i asked my mom, she thought they are ick! so waited one more year then my aunt and i went to ***** and saw Bearded Dragons. :] i researched two speces Bearded dragona nd leopard gecko.Then Thier requirments are too expenivse so i got leopard gecko instead, my aunt bough leo for me, they are so easy to care for but i carefully take care of her :] She/he is wonderful lizard to start family. my mom love my leo and my dad too and my sis and my pet cat haha. My older sister always ask me if she can hold my leo. :]

it was like another birthday present LOL.

I think you could have Leopard Gecko.


They also live long life. and they are easy to breed and also have awesome morphs :]
They just have so cute personaitly and wonderful pet for you if you could .

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