A question about gecko behavior.


New Member
Chester, England
Hi everyone :)

Just something Ive been wondering about lately.
My leo Greedo quite often lies in her tank with one eye open, she has always done it. When I first saw her do it I thought she had something wrong with her eye (I was a first time gecko owner and worried alot!) but thats definately not the case. She alternates the eye sometimes.
Im not worried just curious!
Is it something they would do in the wild? Does it mean they can sleep partially but still be alert for predators?
If Im in the room its usually the eye facing me which is shut so it could be a case of "Hmmm if she thinks Im asleep, she might go away!" :main_laugh:

Possibly should have put this in the section about "geckos in the wild" really!
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Shillelagh Law
If Im in the room its usually the eye facing me which is shut so it could be a case of "Hmmm if she thinks Im asleep, she might go away!"

You identified the key but not the reason.

Eyes are reflective.

Eyelids are (in their natural habitat, where their behaviors evolved) camouflaged.

Light will glint off an open eye in a way that it will not off a closed one- additionally the whole tail/head predator confusion adaptation works better without the eyes being as easily distinguishable. When confronted with a potential predator and trying to hide (rather than flee), a closed eye is better for going undetected. Lots of lizards do the same thing for the same reasons.


New Member
Chester, England

Light will glint off an open eye in a way that it will not off a closed one- additionally the whole tail/head predator confusion adaptation works better without the eyes being as easily distinguishable. When confronted with a potential predator and trying to hide (rather than flee), a closed eye is better for going undetected. Lots of lizards do the same thing for the same reasons.[/QUOTE]

This is really interesting thanks!! :) Not something I had thought of but it makes sense!!
I think Greedo understands Im not a predator but she does occasionally get sick of me peeping in at her so yes, he closed eye thing is probably used to make herself "less visable" to me.
She never ceases to fascinate me! :)


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
When I was in the gan I never really noticed many with one eye open but I know what M_surinamensis is true...so I would only assume leos do it for the same purposes.

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