Albino or Amelanistic?


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Seamus pretty much nailed the reason for this argument and the accurate information on the head.

To the OP: In the herp industry, when someone refers to an amel african fattail or an albino african fattail they are talking about the same gene. It's just two different terms for the same animal. The only genetically different "albino" is the caramel, sometimes referred to as "caramel albino." The herp industry is full of this sort of "double speak" it's very common in Leopard geckos(tremper albino, florida albino, Texas Albino, all the same gene) and is ridiculously prevalent in ball pythons and is now showing itself in the fattail realm. I expect it to continue to expand as more combos are created. And it will continue to confuse new hobbyists. My advice is just stick to the genetics for identifying animals, no matter what sort of buzzword is associated with the morph in question a "killerbee" will always be universally known as a super pastel spider ball python, and so on and so forth.

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