Am I a freak or something!?


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
One thing that may come easy to others, but took me quite a long time to truly learn myself, is that you really can't please everyone.

There is a full spectrum of people out there, so no matter how nice you are, or what you do, there will ALWAYS be someone out there that complains and doesn't like you.

Life is a-whole-lot easier when you can honestly say you don't care what others think about you (and of course, there is a certain extent that this goes.. you have to care to some end, you know what I mean?).

If people look at you weird, or don't like you, or judge you negatively for things that YOU LOVE... SCREW 'EM!!! Because ya know what? I LIKE YOU A LOT!! haha, corny I know ;) :heart:
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K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Well said, Jess.

Life isn't supposed to just be lived. Its supposed to be experienced and celebrated. Have fun! And those that can't take the heat, can move on to another kitchen.

You don't have to like me. I can like me enough for the both of us. :D


I have a house full of snakes and lizards and spiders (oh my) and people remark how they don't smell anything when they come over.
And just 'cause raising reptiles and inverts wasn't quite weird enough, to earn a living, I'm a body wrangler. (Yes, I can honestly say I see dead people.)

According to the neighborhood gossip, I harvest corpses and I have an 18 foot long albino spitting cobra running loose in my house.:main_rolleyes:
If it keeps 'em from breaking in to my house or vehicles, whats not to like, ya know?

People are gonna talk and normal is over-rated.

What exactly is Normal now-a-days, K? :main_laugh:


New Member
I don't think I have ever been in a house with that many critters that didn't stink. So that is probably where most people come from.

I do think it is funny that people don't mask their reactions. No you aren't weird.. :)

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